I have never made a pudding without eggs and was
pleasantly surprised how delicious and easy this pudding is. I love this recipe because it doesn’t use eggs,
which are (to be perfectly honest) a bit of pain when making homemade puddings. To avoid lumps, blend all dry ingredients in
a bowl with 1 cup of milk and whisk until it is blended, while the remaining 2
cups milk are scalded. Then add the
first mixture to scalded milk and continue cooking and stirring.
This pudding is simple to prepare and has that luscious,
creamy mouth-feel that you want from a pudding. Unlike some pudding, this one keeps it
consistency very nicely. I highly recommend
giving it a try. It has become a
permanent addition to my recipe collection.
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE
3 cups milk
¼ cup cornstarch
½ cup sugar
¼ tsp salt
1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
For chocolate pudding: add ¼ cup unsweetened chocolate
For strawberry pudding: add 3 tbsp strawberry
For cappuccino pudding: add 2 tsp instant coffee granules or crystals
1. In
a saucepan over medium heat, scald 2 cups
milk until it begins to bubble around the sides.
For chocolate pudding: scald 2 cups milk with
chocolate, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted and milk begins to
bubble around the side.
For strawberry pudding: scald 2 cups milk with strawberry
jam, stirring constantly until strawberry jam is dissolved and milk begins to
bubble around the side.
For cappuccino pudding: scald 2 cups milk with instant
coffee granules, stirring constantly until coffee is dissolved and milk begins
to bubble around the side.
2. In
a bowl, whisk together cornstarch, sugar, and salt. Stir in the remaining 1 cup milk.
3. Add
sugar mixture to scalded milk and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until
thickened and smoothed. Continue
cooking for about 5 minutes longer, stirring constantly.
4. Cool
slightly, stir in vanilla extract.
5. In
small glass dessert dishes or a large pudding
mold, alternately layer puddings, making 4 layers of vanilla-chocolate-strawberry-cappuccino
pudding. Cover top of pudding with
plastic wrap to prevent skin from forming.
Cool 10 minutes and serve, or refrigerate until serving. If desired, garnish with light whipped
topping or vanilla custard sauce.
Vanilla custard
2 cups milk
½ cup sugar
1 ½ tbsp cornstarch
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
¼ tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp rum (if using)
Mix cornstarch and milk in a small saucepan, stir in the
beaten eggs. Cook over low to medium
heat, stirring continuously until you can see bubbles forming around the
edges. Continue cooking for about 5
minutes longer, stirring constantly.
Stir in vanilla extract. Let cool and stir in rum (if using). Pour on top of pudding.
3 cup susu cair
¼ cup maizena
½ cup gula pasir
¼ sdt garam
1 ½ sdt ekstrak vanila
Untuk puding coklat: tambahkan ¼ cup coklat blok tawar atau coklat bubuk
Untuk puding stroberi: tambahkan 3 sdm selai
Untuk pudding cappuccino: tambahkan 2 sdt kopi bubuk
1. Di
atas panci kecil, panaskan 2 cup susu
dengan api kecil-sedang sampai susu berbusa.
Untuk pudding coklat: panaskan 2 cup susu dengan
coklat, aduk terus sampai coklat meleleh dan susu berbusa.
Untuk pudding stroberi: panaskan 2 cup susu
dengan selai stroberi, aduk terus sampai selai larut dan susu berbusa.
Untuk pudding cappuccino: panaskan 2 cup susu
dengan kopi bubuk, aduk terus sampai kopi larut dan susu berbusa.
2. Dalam
mangkuk, aduk maizena, gula, dan garam.
Masukkan sisa susu (1 cup). Aduk
3. Tambahkan
campuran gula ke dalam susu yang telah dipanaskan dan panaskan kembali dengan
api kecil. Aduk terus menerus sampai mendidih
dan larutan mengental dan lembut. Teruskan memasak sekitar 5 menit dan jangan
berhenti mengaduk.
4. Dinginkan,
tambahkan ekstrak vanilla.
5. Tuang
pudding secara bergantian ke dalam gelas atau loyang pudding sehingga membentuk
4 lapis pudding. Tutup permukaan dengan plastic
wrap agar tidak mengeras. Dinginkan
sebelum disajikan. Hias dengan topping whipped cream atau sajikan dengan saus vla
Saus vla vanila:
2 cup susu
½ cup gula pasir
1 ½ tbsp maizena
2 kuning telur, kocok lepas
¼ sdt ekstrak vanila
3 sdm rum (jika menggunakan)
Dalam panci kecil, larutkan maizena dengan susu cair, masukkan telur yang sudah dikocok,
aduk sampai benar-benar bercampur.
Panaskan dengan api kecil-sedang, aduk terus sampai mendidih. Teruskan mengaduk sampai 5 menit. Tambahkan ekstrak vanilla, aduk. Biarkan
dingin dan tambahkan rum (jika menggunakan).
Tuang ke atas pudding.