Have you ever fallen in love with something all over again? Well, I did, and chocolate made it happen! I’m
an acute chocolate addict and have used chocolates many many times as an
ingredient in baking like when I make brownies. Brownies?
Hmm when you hear the word….what
comes to your mind? Dense…chewy…fudgy…. Do you like it when it sticks to your teeth
and tongue? I do!
I’ve made brownies for years – some good some bad. While
the good ones were just that, they were never what I’d call the ooey gooey type
of brownie I was constantly in search of the recipe until I found Alice Medrich’s Cocoa
Brownies in many of her cookbooks. I love these rich and chocolaty brownies with
dense, fudgy middles and crinkly tops, made from scratch. These are seriously
the BEST brownies I’ve ever made! This is perfect for boxed brownie lovers. The dense, moist, and fudgy texture is not
all that different from what you can expect from the boxed missed.
This recipe makes richer, more flavorful brownies,
without any fuss. They are one-bowl and
come together in minutes. Melting the
butter in the microwave is way easier and it comes out fine. I also added chopped walnut and chocolate
chips and sprinkled sliced almonds on top, making it my version of brownies J I loved everything about this recipe: the
technique, the simple ingredients, and the result. Literally, I had to stop myself from aborting
the baking portion and just eating the batter before the eggs were added, LOL.
Dana's Extreme Chocolate Fudge Brownies
For recipe in Indonesian, click HERE
For recipe in Indonesian, click HERE
10 tbsp (145 g) unsalted butter
1 ¼ cups (250 g) granulated sugar
¾ cup (80 gr) plus 2 tbsp (30 g) unsweetened cocoa
powder or cooking chocolate
¼ rounded tsp Kosher salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs, cold
½ cup (70 g) all-purpose flour
2/3 cup (75 g) chopped walnuts or pecans
½ cup chocolate chip
¼ cup almonds, sliced
1. Position
an oven rack in the lower third of the oven and heat to 325 degrees F (163 C).
2. Line
the bottom and sides of an 8x8-inch square (or you can use a 9x13 inch) baking
pan with parchment paper or foil, leaving an overhang on two opposite
sides. This helps when removing the
baked brownies from the pan, once cooled).
Lightly grease with cooking spray and set aside.
3. Combine
the butter, sugar,cocoa, and salt in a medium microwave bowl. Microwave for one minute intervals, stirring
in between, until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth, or you can do
it in a saucepan on the stovetop. Set
the mixture aside until it cools slightly (is warm to touch not hot). It will look gritty but it will become smooth
once the other ingredients are added.
4. Stir
in the vanilla with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Add the eggs one at a time, stirring
vigorously after each one. When the
batter looks thick, shiny, and well blended, add the flour and stir until fully
incorporated, then beat vigorously for 40 strokes with the wooden spoon or a
rubber spatula. The batter will be quite
thick. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips
(if using). Spread evenly in the lined
pan. Sprinkle sliced almond on the top.
5. Bake
until a toothpick inserted into the center emerges slightly moist with batter,
20-25 minutes. Note: Some have found they need to bake an extra 10-15 minutes, so keep an eye on the
doneness of the brownies and use the toothpick test as your guide.
6. Cool
completely, then remove from pan. For
the cleanest lines when cutting, place into freezer for 10 minutes to firm up. Cut into squares and serve.
Caution: these brownies will make you lose all
self-control and probably derail any diet you’re on. You’ve been warned! LOL
Final result: heaven on earth. No exaggeration J
10 sdm (145 g) mentega tawar
1 ¼ cups (250 g) gula pasir
¾ cup (80 gr) plus 2 sdm (30 g) bubuk coklat atau coklat masak tanpa gula
¼ sdt garam
1 sdt ekstrak vanilla
2 butir telur ukuran besar
½ cup (70 g) terigu serbaguna
2/3 cup (75 g) walnut atau pecan, cincang kasar
½ cup chocolate chip
¼ cup almond, iris tipis
1. Letakkan
rak memanggang pada baris ketiga dalam
oven dan panaskan oven pada suhu 325 derajat F (163 C).
2. Siapkan
loyang ukuran 8x8-inch (atau bisa juga
ukuran 9x13 inch) yang telah dialasi kertas roti atau aluminium foil. Olesi
dengan minyak, sisihkan.
3. Masukkan
mentega, gula, bubuk coklat, dan garam ke dalam mangkuk. Panaskan dengan menggunakan microwave dengan
selang waktu 1 menit. Aduk sesekali
sampai mentega meleleh dan licin. Atau bisa juga dengan cara memanaskan di atas
kompor dengan api kecil. Biarkan hangat.
4. Tambahkan
vanilla dan aduk menggunakan sendok kayu atau spatula. Tambahkan telur satu per satu, aduk dengan kuat.
Ketika adonan mulai kental, mengilap dan
bercampur rata, masukkan terigu dan aduk sampai betul-betul bercampur. Aduk sekitar 40 kali adukan dengan
spatula. Adonan akan menjadi kental. Tambahkan
kacang-kacangan dan chocolate chips (jika menggunakan). Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan. Taburi dengan
irisan almond.
Panggang selama 20-25 menit dan lalukan tes
tusuk. Catatan: Beberapa orang memerlukan
waktu memanggang 10-15 menit lebih lama, jadi perhatikan tingkat kematangan
brownies Anda dan gunakan tes tusuk sebagai penunjuk.
Can i omit the choc chips? Coz i dont have 'em
ReplyDeleteYes, Sophie, you can omit the choc chips, it would still be an extreme choc brownie :)
ReplyDeleteMba.. aku udah nyobain resepnya. Enak bgttt mbaa, ini nih rasa yg aku harapkan dari sebuah brownies. apalagi pake bahan2 kualitas premium. Makasih bgt ya udah berbagi resepnya mba :)))))
ReplyDeleteHello mbak 'Anonymous' :) terimakasih juga sudah mencoba resep saya. Betul sekali kualitas brownies memang ditentukan oleh kualitas bahannya. Makin bagus kualitasnya pastilah brownies yang dihasilkan makin mantap rasanya. Jangan lupa mencoba resep brownies yang lainnya ya :D
ReplyDeletewow sangat menarik.Ingin coba recipe nya
Silakan mencoba Irra, dan boleh share di sini bagaimana hasilnya :)
DeleteHalo mba salam kenal ya..aku uda coba resepnya, tp pake loyang 20x10, sekitar 35 menit..ngga lama matang aku cobain, enaakk..coklat bgt..tp trus abis masuk kulkas jadi keras..begitulah adanya atau aa yg salah sm brownies aku ya mba? Mba, mau nanya lebih lanjut soal brownies boleh kah? Makasih ya..
ReplyDeleteHello mb Anita, salam kenal juga ya. Pake loyang 20x10, takaran bahannya dikurangi kan? Brownies ini extreme fudgy lho jadi lengket banget, kalopun masuk kulkas, pasti akan memadat, tapi ga bakal keras, mestinya sih kalo digigit kaya kita makan ganache kalo masuk kulkas, dan begitu taro suhu ruang cepet jadi lembek lagi. Disimpannya pake wadah kedap udara kan? ga boleh dalam keadaan terbuka ya. Waktu belum masuk kulkas, gimana browniesnya? padat atau lembek tengahnya?
DeleteHalo mba..maaf membalasnya agak lama ya..curi2 waktu sambil ngangon bocah2 soalnya..takarannya ngga aku kurangi mba..tadinya mau dibagi di 2 loyang 20x10 tapi ko kayanya jd sedikit bgt, akhirnya aku satuin aja deh..setelah dikeluarkan dr kulkas si brownies jd lembek banget, dan cukup berminyak..kmrn krn adanya margarin dan dcc, aku pakenya itu mba..pengaruh kah? Aku jg msh bingung bedanya fudgy sm chewy mba..kayanya sih aku lebih suka yg chewy, ky brownies panggang asal bandung itu mba, primar**a hehe..Masih blm mudeng nih mba..maafkan ya kalau pertanyaannya mengganggu..makasih banyak atas waktunya ya mba..
ReplyDeleteHai mba,sy msh belum ngerti sm bahan yg ketiga. 80 gr plus 2sdm coklat bubuk atau coklat masak tanpa gula. Maksudnha gmnya ya mba? Terimakasih
ReplyDeleteHai juga, kalo baca versi bahasa Inggrisnya lebih jelas ya :) Coklat yang dipakai dalam resep ini 80 gr dan 2 sdm (sekitar 30 gr), jadi totalnya 110 gr. Harusnya pake jenis chocolate bar yang unsweetened (tanpa pemanis), tapi kalo ga punya, dianjurkan pake bubuk kakao. Semoga membantu.
Deletemba, mau nanya melelehkan mentega, coklat bubuk dan gula apa harus smpe mecair? krna saya lelehkan tdk smpe mencair, tlg di photo juga mba proses adonanya, makasih