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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rocky Road Fudge

I’ve always been afraid of making fudge.  It seemed intimidating to me, but this fudge was so easy that I’m going to put it on my holiday candy list from now on. It tasted great, wonderfully rich, and creamy.  Everything that fudge should be.

I know that for many, fudge is a treat usually indulged in during the holiday. There are many methods for making fudge, but I’m fond of the classic condensed milk version.   It’s straightforward and can be assembled in just a few minutes of stirring on the stovetop.

I think every girl loves chocolate, and nothing is better than chocolate with filling.  For the chocolate lovers, the fudge fanatic, and the insatiable sweet-tooth…’s one that will keep you all happy J Rocky Road Fudge!

Rocky road is hands down one of my favorite ice cream flavors.  Rocky road fudge is a delicious mixture of chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, marshmallows, and nuts (either walnuts, cashew, hazelnut, or almond). It’s easy to make and perfect to bring to all of your holiday parties.

There are so many variations, you can add nuts, dried fruit, and biscuits.  It’s really up to you, but below you will find the recipe that I use which is really easy and tasty.  Well, sometimes the simplest recipes yield the richest results. 

This fudge is great. It’s so easy to make that I can make it under 10 minutes. No fuss fudge, that’s what I’m talking about.  Just make sure that you use a good quality chocolate chips, as the cheaper store brands are just not good.  I prefer  Ghirardelli, Hersheys, or Cadbury. The hardest part of this recipe is waiting for two hours while it cools in the fridge.  Chocolate, marshmallows, and nuts  ~ yum!

Rocky Road Fudge
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE


·         3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
·         1 (14 oz) can of sweetened condensed milk
·         ½  cup nuts, chopped
·         1 cup mini marshmallows
·         2 tbsp unsalted butter
·         ½  tsp salt

1.       Spray an 8x8 inch baking pan by with nonstick cooking spray and lay the bottom with parchment paper.

2.       In a medium saucepan, combine the chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, and salt.  Turn the heat on to the lowest setting and melt the ingredients together while continuously stirring.  Heat and stir until the mixture is completely smooth.

3.       Fold in the chopped nuts and marshmallows and spread it evenly in the prepared baking pan.

4.       Refrigerate until set and cut into desired size bars.

Resep Bahasa Indonesia

·         3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
·         1 (14 oz) kaleng susu kental manis
·         ½  cup kacang-kacangan sesuai selera, cincang kasar
·         1 cup mini marshmallows
·         2 sdm mentega tawar
·         ½  sdt garam

1.       Siapkan loyang ukuran 8x8 inch, semprot dengan cooking spray atau oles dengan , mentega.  Alasi dengan kertas roti.

2.       Dalam panci kecil, campur chocolate chips, susu kental manis, dan garam.  Panaskan dengan api kecil sambil terus diaduk sampai coklat meleleh (bisa juga dengan menggunakan microwave). 
3.       Tambahkan kacang-kacangan cincang dan marshmallows.  Tuang ke dalam Loyang dan ratakan.

4.       Masukkan ke dalam freezer  sampai mengeras dan potong sesuai selera.  Simpan di dalam lemari pendingin.

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