Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Buffalo Chicken Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Who doesn’t like Mac ‘n’ Cheese?  Mac ‘n’ Cheese is the only reason we’re okay with the fact that we eat the high calorie and loaded fat (i.e. CHEESE) dish.  Duh, that’s what Mac ‘n’ Cheese is all about!  And we’re happy for an excuse to eat hot, creamy, and melted cheese.

Whether  Mac ‘n’ Cheese is plain, truffled, or  lobstered, it’s hard to get enough.  There are dozens of variations of  Mac ‘n’ Cheese combining people’s favorite flavors…. Crab Mac ‘n’ Cheese, Bacon and Pepper Jack Mac ‘n’ Cheese, Chorizo Mac ‘n’ Cheese, Butternut Squash Mac ‘n’ Cheese, Broccoli Mac ‘n’ Cheese….and many more.  Of course, you need to know how to make it rich and creamy, but once you’ve mastered that, you can dig into dozens recipes without one moment’s hesitation.

I happen to love anything spicy, I like buffalo wings, and homebaked Mac ‘n’ Cheese is one of my favorite comfort food dishes.   This recipe I adapted from Food Network Kitchen combines delicious baked Mac ‘n’ Cheese with buffalo chicken for a creamy and flavorful dish. I have adjusted a few things to make it a little more figure friendly without sacrificing the original taste.  This recipe melted my face with awesome.  From the first bite, I was in orgasmic state that could only be achieved with this succulent blend of cheese, spices, and amazing taste.

If you love buffalo wings and Mac ‘n’ Cheese, it’s a must try.  It isn’t hard to make, just a lot of step, but it’s well worth the effort.  It’s smooth, tasty, and the panko crumbs add a great crunch to the dish.  This is my go-to Mac ‘n’ Cheese recipe. The sauce is good and could easily be adapted if you like your Mac ‘n’ Cheese a little spicier.  About the hot sauce, it’s really is not hot, even though the amount of hot sauce seems like a lot.  This Mac ‘n’ Cheese is perfect for taking to school, a casual meal, or a time when you want to impress people with your vast knowledge of cheeses.  It travels well and is always one of the first dishes empty.  I wish I had leftovers, but it didn’t last that long, gone in 30 minutes L

Buffalo Chicken Mac ‘n’ Cheese
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE


·         3 cups of skinless boneless chicken breast, boiled and shredded
·         1 lb of elbow macaroni
·         2 tbsp olive oil
·         1 onion, finely chopped
·         2 cloves of garlic, minced
·         2 stalks of celery, finely chopped
·         1 cup of Franks Hot Sauce (or any buffalo wing sauce)
·         ½ stick (4 tbsp) of butter
·         4 tbsp all-purpose flour
·         2 ½ cups of milk
·         1 cup half-and-half
·         2/3 cup sour cream
·         1 tsp mustard powder (optional)
·         2 cups of yellow sharp cheddar cheese, grated
·         1 cup of parmesan cheese, grated
·         Salt and pepper
·         1 cup panko (Japanese bread crumbs)

1.       Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add the pasta and cook until al dente, about 8 minutes. Drain.

2.       Heat 2 tablespoon of olive oil.  Saute the finely chopped onion until it turns translucent.  Throw in the garlic and finely chopped celery and let the flavors infuse and the celery soften slightly, about 2 minutes.

3.       Add the shredded chicken and season with salt and pepper.  Pour in half a cup of the hot  sauce and stir well to coat all the ingredients.  Simmer until the sauce slightly thickens, about 1 more minute.  Take the chicken out into a dish and keep aside.

4.       For the cheese sauce: Melt 4 tbsp of butter in a saucepan over medium heat.  Stir in the flour and mustard with a wooden spoon until smooth.  Whisk in 2 ½ cups of milk, 1 cup half-and-half, then add ¼ cup hot sauce and stir until thick, about 2 minutes.  Season the white sauce with salt and pepper (I also added 2 tsp of sugar).  Throw in the grated cheddar and parmesan, then whisk in the sour cream until smooth. Turn off the stove.

5.       To assemble the dish: In a baking dish, start by layering half of the chicken, then half the macaroni.  Pour over half the cheesy sauce.  Then repeat the layers again with the rest.  Top with the bread crumbs, a sprinkling of parsley, and a drizzle the remaining of hot sauce over the top if you like.

6.       Bake in a pre-heated oven to 360 degrees F (180 degrees C) for around 20-30 minutes until bubbly and hot.  Let rest 10 minutes before serving.


·         3 cups dada ayam tanpa tulang, rebus dan suwir-suwir
·         1 lb (450 g) makaroni elbow
·         2 sdm minyak zaitun
·         1 buah bawang bombay, cincang kasar
·         2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
·         2 ikat daun seledri, iris halus
·         1 cup Franks Hot Sauce (atau saus buffalo wing apa saja)
·         ½ stick (4 sdm) mentega
·         4 sdm tepung terigu serbaguna
·         2 ½ cups susu cair
·         1 cup half-and-half
·         2/3 cup sour cream
·         1 sdt mustard bubuk (optional)
·         2 cups keju cheddar kuning, parut
·         1 cup keju parmesan, parut
·         Garam dan merica
·         Gula pasir (optional)
·         2 sdm daun parsley segar, iris halus
·         1 cup panko (tepung roti Jepang)

1.       Didihkan air yang telah diberi garam dalam panci, rebus makaroni sampai al dente, sekitar 8 menit.  Tiriskan. 

2.       Dalam panci kecil atau wajan, panaskan minyak zaitun.  Tumis bawang bombay sampai berubah warna.  Masukkan bawang putih dan irisan daun seledri.  Aduk-aduk sampai wangi dan seledri sedikit lunak sekitar 2 menit.
3.       Masukkan ayam suwir.  Bumbui dengan garam dan merica.  Tuang ½ cup hot sauce, aduk rata sampai saus mengental sekitar 1 menit.  Sisihkan.

7.       Untuk saus keju:  Lelehkan mentega dengan api sedang.  Masukkan terigu dan bubuk mustard, aduk dengan spatula kayu sampai halus.   Tuang susu cair, half-and-half, dan ¼ hot sauce, lalu aduk sampai mengental, sekitar 2 menit.  Bumbui dengan garam dan merica (saya juga menambahkan 2 sdt gula pasir).  Masukkan keju cheddar dan parmesan, lalu masukkan sour cream dan aduk rata.  Matikan api.

8.       Untuk penysusunan: Dalam pinggan tahan panas, tuang setengah ayam suwir dan ratakan, lalu tutup dengan setengah macaroni.  Siram dengan setengah saus keju.  Ulangi pelapisan dengan setengah adaonan sisanya.  Taburi permukaannya dengan tepung roti kasar, irisan daun parsley, dan ¼ cup hot sauce sisanya jika suka.

4.       Panggang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya dengan suhu 360 derajat F (180 derajat C) selama 20-30 menit sampai berbuih dan panas.  Biarkan 10 menit sebelum disajikan.

Eggy Bread with Sunny Side-up Egg

This simple breakfast delivers big on the comfort front.  I like to serve eggy bread simply  with sunny side-up eggs, potato wedges,  and a little natural yoghurt,  but you can also try it with grilled tomatoes, avocado, or fruit to squeeze in some extra goodness.

Fried eggs are delicious and simple.  There are different ways in which to fry them, but sunny side-up egg is my favorite method.  You want this to be a gentle method of cooking.  If the oil gets too hot too fast, you’ll end up with crispy, bubbly eggs, when you want them to be soft and silky.

Eggy Bread with Sunny Side-up Egg (inspired by Jamie Oliver)
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE 


For the Eggy Bread
·         2 large free-range eggs
·         2 tablespoons of milk
·         Sea salt
·         Freshly ground black pepper
·         2 slices of fresh bread (roughly 1.5 cm thick)
·         Olive oil

For Sunny Side-up Egg
·         1 tablespoon olive oil
·         2 large free-range eggs
·         Sea salt and
·         Freshly ground black pepper to taste


For Eggy Bread

1.       Crack the eggs into the mixing bowl.
2.       Add the milk and season with a tiny pinch of salt and pepper.
3.       Gently whisk the eggs and milk together, then put to one side.
4.       Place the frying pan on a medium heat to heat up.  Meanwhile….
5.       Dip and push 1 slice of bread into the eggy mixture, turning it over a few times to make sure it’s well coated and sucks up the mixture like a sponge.
6.       Add ½ tablespoon of olive oil to the frying pan and carefully swirl the pan around to evenly coat the inside.
7.       Lift the soaked bread up in the bowl and allow the excess mixture to drip off, then carefully lower it into the pan, making sure it’s facing away from you so you don’t get splashed with hot oil.
8.       Cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, or until golden and cooked through, using a fish slice to flip it over.
9.       Carefully lift the bread out of the frying pan and put onto a serving plate using a fish slice.
10.   Repeat steps 6 to 9 with the remaining ingredients.

For Sunny Side-up Egg
1.       Get your frying pan on a medium to low heat and add enough olive oil to lightly coat the bottom of a large nonstick pan (about 1 tablespoon).
2.       Crack the egg into the pan.  As the oil gets hotter you’ll see it starts to change the color of the eggs.  Cook until the tops of the whites are set but the yolk is still runny.
3.       When they’re ready, remove the pan from the heat and take the eggs out using a spatula.  Place on a plate and dab them with some paper towels to soak up any excess oil.  Serve on eggy bread or toast – no need to butter it – with a sprinkling of the sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.


Untuk Eggy Bread
·         2 butir telur ukuran besar
·         2 sdm susu cair
·         Garam
·         Merica hitam bubuk
·         2 lembar roti tawar, jika menggunakan yang besar, iris menjadi dua (tebal sekitar 1,5 cm)
·         Minyak zaitun

Untuk Sunny Side-up Egg (telur mata sapi)
·         1 sdm minyak zaitun
·         2 butir telur ukuran besar
·         Garam dan
·         Merica hitam bubuk untuk perisa


Untuk Eggy Bread

1.       Pecahkan telur di dalam mangkuk.
2.       Tambahkan susu dan bumbui dengan sedikit garam dan merica hitam.
3.       Kocok dengan whisk atau garpu, sisihkan.
4.       Panaskan wajan di atas api.  Sementara itu….
5.       Celupkan sepotong roti ke dalam adonan telur, balik dan pastikan roti betul-betul basah dan menyerap adonan telur seperti spons.
6.       Tuang ½ sdm minyak zaitun ke dalam wajan dan putar-putar sampai minyak mengenai seluruh permukaan wajan.
7.       Angkat roti yang sudah basah dan biarkan sisa adonannya menetes, lalu hati-hati letakkan di atas wajan.
8.       Masak selama 2-3 menit pada setiap sisinya, atau sampai berwarna kecoklatan.
9.       Angkat roti dan letakkan di atas piring.
10.   Ulangi langkah 6 sampai 9 sampai semua roti habis.

Untuk Sunny Side-up Egg (telur mata sapi)
1.       Panaskan wajan antilengket di atas api sedang-kecil dan tambahkan sedikit minyak zaitun untuk sedikit melapisi permukaan wajan.
2.       Pecahkan telur di atas wajan.  Putih telur akan berubah warna ketika minyak menjadi panas. Masak sampai putih telur matang, sedangkan kuning telur setangah matang.
3.       Hati-hati angkat dengan menggunakan spatula.  Tempatkan di atas piring dan serap kelebihan minyak menggunakan tisu makan.  Sajikan dengan eggy bread atau toast – tidak perlu diolesi mentega – dan beri sedikit taburan garam dan merica. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Chocolate Banana Bread

As in avocado, I’m no fan of eating banana on its own. But my family, especially my daughter, loves it.   I’m always looking for a good recipe for those ripe bananas and I found this banana bread recipe.

There are so many different variations of banana bread, but this is probably the best banana bread I’ve ever made to date.  Even people who don’t usually like banana (me for real example J) are happy with this one.  The original recipe uses walnut, but I add cocoa powder and chocolate chips in place of the nuts.

The addition of cocoa powder and chocolate chips adds a new flavor to this banana bread that is delicious.   You can still taste the banana, but you taste chocolate as well.  The chocolate is not too strong, so it does still taste like banana bread.  Plus the sour cream makes the bread.  It provides uniquely wonderful, slightly sour flavor to a sweet banana bread, and I think it’s a great combination.

This is really fantastic stuff, definitely a new family classic.  It isn’t overly sweet, which is a big plus, and it’s moist but still holds together quite well.  With a half recipe  (still in 7x3 inch loaf pan) I need 15 minutes more to bake, and it was….perfect.  Great for snacking or warmed up with a dab of vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Banana Bread (recipe adapted from Esther Nelson on allrecipes)
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE 

·         ½ cup butter
·         1 ½ cups white sugar
·         2 eggs
·         3 very ripe bananas, mashed
·         1 cup sour cream
·         1 tsp vanilla extract
·         1 tsp ground cinnamon
·         3 tsp baking soda
·         2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
·         2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
·         1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1.       Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).  Grease two 7x3 inch loaf pans.

2.       In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar.  Mix in eggs, mashed bananas, sour cream, vanilla, and cinnamon.
3.       Mix in salt, baking soda, cocoa powder, and flour.  Stir in chocolate chips.  Divide into prepared pans.

4.       Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes), until a toothpick inserted in a center comes out clean.

Resep Bahasa Indonesia
·         ½ cup mentega tawar
·         1 ½ cups gula pasir
·         2 butir telur
·         3 buah pisang masak, haluskan
·         1 cup sour cream
·         1 tsp ekstrak vanila
·         1 tsp kayumanis bubuk
·         3 tsp baking soda
·         2 ¼ cups tepung terigu serbaguna
·         2 tbsp coklat bubuk tawar
·         1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 300 derajat F (150 derajat C).  Olesi  dua  loyang loaf ukuran 7x3 inch dengan minyak/mentega.
2.       Dalam wadah, kocok mentega dan gula sampai halus.  Masukkan telur satu per satu, kocok sampai mengembang.  Masukkan pisang yang telah dihaluskan, sour cream, vanilla, dan kayumanis bubuk.  Kocok sampai bercampur rata. 
3.       Masukkan garam, baking soda, coklat bubuk, dan tepung.  Kocok sampai bercampur.  Tambahkan chocolate chips, aduk rata. Tuang ke dalam dua buah loyang loaf yang telah disiapkan.
4.       Panggang selama 1 jam 15 menit, lakukan tes tusuk.