Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nutella-Cadbury-Banana Wontons

If you love home cooked sweet, but don’t feel like sweating behind the stove for hours, or if you’re in time of crunch and need something right away, this dessert recipe is the one for you. This recipe is your perfect last-minute solution.

Chocolate banana wontons are definitely loved by kids, but those sweets will probably win the heart of a grown up as well.  I tried banana wontons at a Chinese restaurant and find myself drooling over, so I thought why not making them at home? They’re delicious, crispy, and super quick to prepare with only 4-5 ingredients and can be whipped up in no time.

Crispy wontons, melted chocolate, and smooth bananas are a perfect combination.  Also peanut butter works well with either chocolate and bananas, or both (which I used). I used Nutella and Cadbury to make my wontons tasted more like restaurant quality dessert. Wonton wrappers are available in any Asian grocery store and you can most likely find them in the frozen food section of bigger supermarket as well.

For all those chocolate and banana lovers, here’s a great and simple treat you can make in a matter of minutes.  Crunchy on the outside and soft and gooey in the inside.  And most importantly, this recipe is so much fun to play around with. Be creative! Many different fruits seem to go well with this dessert.  Push a bowl of vanilla ice cream over the top or drizzle with chocolate syrup, and you will enjoy how the bananas melt inside the wrapper. I strongly suggest you try these today!

Nutella-Cadbury-Banana Wontons
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE


·         Wonton wrappers
·         Nutella
·         Cadbury chocolate milk bars, broken into equal pieces
·         Peanut butter
·         1 banana, peeled and sliced
·         Vegetable oil for frying
·         Powdered sugar for dusting


1.       Prepare a small bowl of water, this is to glue and seal your wontons.  Take one wonton wrap at a time and smear about 1 tsp of Nutella or peanut butter (I use ½ tsp Nutella and ½ tsp peanut butter) in the center.  Press down a slice of banana onto the Nutella-peanut butter spread and top with chocolate.

2.       Dip your finger into the water and trace around the edge of the wrapper.  Fold the corners of the wontons into the center like an envelope and pinch and seal.  Make sure the edges are sealed properly.  Use a bit more water if you feel is needed, but do not soak the wrapper.
3.       Heat up enough oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 350 degrees F (175degrees C).  Fry 3-4 wontons at a time in hot oil for 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown, turning occasionally to brown evenly. Use a slotted spoon to remove wontons from oil to paper towels to drain.

4.       Dust the wontons with powder sugar if desired and let cool for 1 minute before serving. Serve with chocolate syrup or vanilla ice cream if desired.

Bahasa Indonesia

·         Kulit pangsit
·         Nutella
·         Cadbury chocolate milk bars, bagi menjadi potongan yang sama besar
·         Selai kacang
·         1 buah pisang, kupas dan iris (jangan terlalu tebal atau tipis)
·         Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng
·         Gula halus untuk taburan


1.       Siapkan satu mangkuk kecil air untuk merekatkan kulit pangsit.  Ambil satu lembar kulit pangsit, letakkan 1 sendok teh Nutella atau selai kacang (saya memakai keduanya dengan komposisi ½ sendok teh Nutella dan ½ sendok teh selai kacang) di bagian tengah.  Letakkan dan tekan satu iris pisang di atasnya, terakhir letakkan potongan coklat Cadbury. Lakukan sampai habis.
2.       Basahi pinggiran kulit pangsit dengan sedikit air.  Lipat ujung-ujungnya ke tengah seperti melipat amplop dan rekatkan.  Pastikan semua ujung kulit pangsit menempel dengan baik.
3.       Panaskan api dalam wajan atau panci sampai mencapai suhu 350 derajat F (175 derajat C).  Goreng 3-4 wonton dalam minyak panas selama 2-3 menit atau sampai berwarna coklat kemasan, balik sampai warnanya merata. Angkat dan pindahkan ke wadah yang telah diberi alas tisu makan untuk menyerap kelebihan minyak.
4.       Taburi dengan gula halus dan biarkan dingin selama 1 menit sebelum disajikan.  Sajikan dengan es krim vanila atau sirup coklat, jika suka. 


  1. Thaaanks ya mbak buat ilmu nya...... Smg tambah sukses .....

    1. Sama-sama mbak Nia. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung :)
