Monday, April 13, 2015

Baked Zucchini Fries

I had some zucchini in the fridge and I want to do something different.

My solution?

Baked zucchini fries.

There are so many great ways to use up zucchini, but this one has won my heart.  Healthy, crispy, tender, delicious, easy to make. Great alternative to fries and even the kid couldn’t get enough crunchy goodness.

I adapted these fries from Health after I discovered them last year and they have quickly become a staple at our house.  They are a perfect little appetizer, side dish for sandwiches, or even a great after school snack.  They are inexpensive, virtually guilt free, and totally painless way to get your veggies. These were amazing dipped in marinara sauce or ranch.

Baked Zucchini Fries
For recipe in Indonesian, click HERE


·         2 zucchini
·         1 egg white
·         ¼ cup milk
·         ½ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
·         ½ cup seasoned bread crumbs (or bread crumbs + 1 tbsp Italian seasoning, garlic powder,  and salt)
·         Vegetable cooking spray

1.       Preheat oven to 425 degree F (220 degree C)

2.       Cut zucchini into 3-inch stick.
3.       Whisk an egg white in a small bowl and add milk.
4.       In a separate bowl, combine Parmesan cheese and seasoned bread crumbs.

5.       Dip zucchini sticks into egg mixture and then roll in bread crumbs mixture.

6.       Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray and place zucchini on the sheet.  Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

7.       Serve warm. Can be dipped in marinara sauce, ranch, or your favorite dipping sauce.


·         2 buah zucchini
·         1 putih telur
·         ¼ cup susu cair
·         ½ cup keju Parmesan parut
·         ½ cup tepung roti berbumbu (atau tepung roti + 1 sdm Italian seasoning, bawang putih bubuk,  dan garam)
·         Minyak untuk mengoles

1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 425 derajat F (220 derajat C)

2.       Potong-potong zucchini sepanjang 3-inch
3.       Kocok putih telur bersama susu.
4.       Campurkan keju Parmesan parut dan tepung roti.

5.       Celup zucchini ke dalam larutan susu lalu gulingkan di atas campuran tepung roti berbumbu.

6.       Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi minyak, letakkan zucchini. Panggang selama 25-30 menit sampai coklat keemasan.

7.       Sajikan selagi hangat dengan saus sesuai selera.

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