Friday, September 4, 2015

Baked Chicken Teriyaki

Growing up in Jakarta with many Japanese restaurants, I had my fair share of teriyaki meat. I’ve tried lots of recipes and store products, but could never quite replicate the smell and flavors that I remember.  Until now.  These are absolutely the best teriyaki chicken thighs I have ever made and quite easy to make.

As a mother, sometimes all I want is to throw something in the oven and be done with it.  Not every meal needs to be super glamorous, but should taste great. This baked chicken teriyaki recipe is something quick and delicious on the go to try.

Yesterday, I decided to take this family favorite and bake it. Prepare this in the middle of the day and let them marinate. The marinade and glaze is to die for. You can never go wrong with an amazing homemade teriyaki glaze.  And baking the chicken still keeps it light and delicious.  Perfect served over some steamed rice and a side of vegetables, and the best part… the entire family devoured it!

Baked Chicken Teriyaki (adapted from allrecipes)
For recipe in Indonesian, click HERE


·         12 chicken thighs
·         ½  teaspoon ground black pepper
·         1 teaspoon ground ginger
·         2 clove garlic, minced
·         ½ cup cider vinegar
·         1 cup soy sauce
·         1 cup white sugar
·         2 tablespoon cold water
·         2 tablespoon cornstarch
·         2 stalks of scallion, chopped
·         1 teaspoon sesame seed (optional)


1.       In a small saucepan over low heat, combine the cornstarch, cold water, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger, ground black pepper, and sesame seed.  Let simmer, stirring frequently, until sauce thickens and bubbles. Let it cool in room temperature.
2.       Transfer ½ of the sauce to a resealable plastic bag and add the chicken.  Seal bag and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator, turning once, for 1 hour.  The chicken can be marinated for up to 4 hours.
3.       Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).

4.       Place chicken pieces in a lightly greased baking dish. Brush chicken with the remaining sauce.  Turn pieces over, and brush again.
5.       Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Turn pieces over and bake for another 30 minutes, until no longer pink and juices run clear.  Brush with sauce every 10 minutes during cooking.
6.       Serve with warm steamed rice and vegetables, drizzle with remaining cooked sauce and garnish with chopped scallions.

Bahasa Indonesia

·         12 paha ayam
·         ½  sendok teh merica hitam bubuk
·         1 sendok teh jahe parut
·         2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
·         ½ cup cuka apel
·         1 cup soy sauce
·         1 cup gula pasir
·         2 sendok makan air dingin
·         2 sendok makan maizena
·         2 batang daun bawang, iris
·         1 sendok teh wijen (optional)


1.       Dalam panci kecil di atas api kecil, campur maizena, air dingin, gula, kecap asin, cuka, bawang putih, jahe, merica hitam, dan wijen.  Biarkan mendidih sambil diaduk, sampai saus mengental dan berbusa. Biarkan dingin.
2.       Tuang ½  saus ke dalam resealable plastic bag, masukkan ayam. Marinasi ayam di dalam lemari pendingin selama 1 sampai 4 jam.
3.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 425 derajat F (220 derajat C).
4.       Susun paha ayam dalam wadah tahan panas yang telah diolesi minyak. Olesi permukaan ayam dengan saus. Balikkan dan olesi permukaan satunya dengan saus.
5.       Panggang selama 30 menit. Balikkan posisi ayam dan panggang lagi selama 30 menit sampai matang dan mengeluarkan kaldu. Olesi dengan saus setiap 10 menit selama pemanggangan.
6.       Sajikan bersama nasi hangat dan sayuran, tuang sisa saus yang sudah dipanaskan kembali dan taburi dengan irisan daun bawang.

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