Sunday, October 11, 2015

French Toast Roll-Ups

French toast has always been my favorite food for breakfast. Others can have pancakes and waffles, but I’ll take French toast any day.  I just can’t have enough of them.  I never knew I could turn regular french toasts into a five-star quality dish that just melts in the mouth.

French toast roll-up is like a cross between a pastry and a cinnamon toast.  So easy to make and everyone will go crazy about how fun and delicious they are to eat.

To make the roll-ups, the bread crust is trimmed and flattened out with rolling pin. Place whatever filling you like inside towards the end of the piece of the bread.  You can use cream cheese, nut butter, jam, dulce de leche, Nutella, cajeta, caramel, and diced/sliced fresh fruits, or whatever else you can think of.  My favorite is softened cream cheese and dice strawberries and of course Nutella and diced strawberries. There are no rules and the recipe is really more method than precision.  Then the bread is rolled and cooked in a buttery skillet just like regular french toast.

These french toast roll-ups are delicious for breakfast or even high tea.  Oh, you can have it anytime, morning, day, and night. Your great little treat is ready in no time.  They taste amazing on their own, but a little dip in some maple syrup makes them extra sweet and scrumptious.

French Toast Roll-Ups
For recipe in Indonesian, click HERE

·         10 slices white soft bread
·         2 eggs
·         4 tbsp milk
·         1/3 cup sugar
·         1 tsp ground cinnamon
·         Filling of your choice (cream cheese, jam, Nutella, cajeta, caramel, dulce de leche, sliced of fresh fruits etc)
·         Butter for greasing the pan
·         Maple syrup


1.       Place piece of bread on a cutting board and trim your crust. Flatten each piece of bread with a rolling pin.

2.       At one end of your bread, place your filling (just a small strip), add sliced fruits or chocolate chips (if using) and roll up.
3.       Combine sugar and cinnamon in a shallow dish. Mix well.  Set aside.
4.       In another shallow dish, whisk together eggs and milk. Coat your bread roll in your egg mixture.

5.       Heat a pan over low-medium heat, melt the butter to coat the pan.  Place rolls in the pan, seam side down.
6.       Cook until golden brown, turning to brown all sides.
7.       Remove the rolls one at a time from pan and roll to coat in cinnamon-sugar mixture. Serve warm with maple syrup.

·         10 lembar roti tawar putih
·         2 butir telur
·         4 sdm susu cair
·         1/3 cup gula pasir
·         1 tsp bubuk kayumanis
·         Isian sesuai selera (cream cheese, selai, selai kacang, Nutella, cajeta, caramel, dulce de leche, irisan buah segar dll)
·         Mentega
·         Sirup maple


1.       Buang pinggiran roti, kemudian pipihkan dengan menggunakan rolling pin.

2.       Olesi salah satu sisi roti sedikit saja dengan bahan isian, tambahkan irisan buah atau coklat chips jika suka, lalu gulung perlahan.
3.       Campur gula pasir dan bubuk kayumanis dalam mangkuk datar.  Sisihkan.
4.       Dalam mangkuk lain, kocok telur dan susu.  Celupkan gulungan roti ke dalam adonan telur.

5.       Panaskan wajan datar dengan api kecil-sedang, lelehkan mentega. Letakkan gulungan roti dengan lipatan di bagian bawah.
6.       Goreng sampai kecoklatan, balikkan sampai semua sisinya berwarna kuning kecoklatan.
7.       Angkat dan gulingan satu per satu dalam campuran gula-kayumanis.  Sajikan selagi hangat dengan sirup maple. 

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