Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Classic Whole Wheat Bread

I had always read and been told that 100% whole wheat bread had to be heavy dense by default because it has less gluten to give it loft.  All of the recipes I used prior to this one were heavy and dense. Imagine how amazed I was to discover that this is patently untrue.

Now I can assure you that 100 % whole wheat bread doesn’t have to be dense, dry, and tasteless. This one—adapted from King Arthur—features  the delightfully nutty taste of wheat in a fine-grained, moist, faintly sweet loaf.  Taste is wonderful. Texture and crumbs are perfect .  Delicious sandwich bread emerged from my kitchen oven and I felt like an accomplished baker with very little effort J

It has a darker color because of the use of molasses and the texture is like white bread.  Perfect for sandwiches and toasts. It has became our  favorite morning bread. Spreading cream cheese or sour cream on it makes the bread taste wonderfully delicious. 

Classic Whole Wheat Bread
For Recipe in Indonesian, click HERE

·         ½ to 5/8 cups lukewarm water*
·         ½ cup lukewarm milk
·         ¼ cup melted butter (or you can use olive oil)
·         1/8 cup molasses
·         1/8 cup honey
·         3 ½ cups Premium Whole Wheat Flour
·         2 ½ teaspoons instant yeast
·         ¼ cup nonfat dried milk
·         1 ¼ teaspoon salt
*Use the greater amount in winter or in a dry climate; the lesser amount in summer or a humid climate.

1.       In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients and stir until the dough starts to leave the sides of the bowl.  For easiest, most effective kneading, let the dough rest for 20 to 30 minutes in the bowl, this gives the flour a chance to absorb some of the liquid, and the bran to soften.  Transfer the dough to a lightly greased surface, oil your hands, and knead it for 6 to 8 minutes, or until it begins to become smooth and supple.  You may also knead this dough in an electric mixer or bread machine for 10-15 minutes. This dough should be soft, yet still firm enough to knead.  Adjust the consistency with additional water or flour, if necessary.
2.       Transfer the dough to a lightly greased bowl, cover it and allow the dough to rise till puffy though not necessary double in bulk, about 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the warmth of your kitchen.
3.       Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled surface, and shape it into an 8” log. Place the log in a lightly greased 8 ½ “ x 4 ½ “ loaf pan, cover the pan loosely with lightly greased plastic wrap, and allow the dough to rise for about 1 hour.  Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)
4.       Bake the bread for 35 to 40 minutes or until a digital thermometer inserted in the center of the loaf reads 190 degrees F (88 degrees C).
5.       Remove the bread from the oven and turn it out of the pan onto a rack to cool. If desired, rub the crust with a stick of butter, this will yield a soft, flavorful crust.  Cool completely before slicing.  Store the bread in a plastic bag at room temperature.

Bahasa Indonesia
·         ½ sampai 5/8 cups air hangat suam kuku*
·         ½ cup susu hangat suam kuku
·         ¼ cup mentega cair
·         1/8 cup molasses
·         1/8 cup madu
·         3 ½ cups Tepung Gandum Premium
·         2 ½ sendok teh ragi instant
·         ¼ cup susu bubuk tanpa lemak
·         1 ¼ sendok teh garam

*Tambahkan jumlah cairan pada musim dingin atau beriklim kering;  kurangi jumlah cairan pada musim panas atau beriklim lembab. 

1.       Dalam mangkuk besar, campurkan semua bahan dan aduk sampai adonan tidak menempel lagi pada pinggirnya. Untuk memudahkan menguleni adonan, biarkan adonan selama 20 sampai 30 menit dalam mangkuk, agar tepung dapat menyerap sebagian cairan. Pindahkan adonan ke permukaan yang telah diolesi minyak dan uleni selama 6 sampai 8 menit, atau sampai mulai menjadi kalis dan elastis. Anda juga dapat menguleni adonan menggunakan mikser listrik atau bread maker selama 10-15 menit. Sesuaikan konsistensi adonan dengan menambahkan air atau tepung, jika perlu.
2.       Pindahkan adonan ke dalam mangkuk lain yang telah diolesi sedikit minyak, tutup dengan plastic wrap dan biarkan mengembang dua kali lipat, sekitar 1 sampai 1.5 jam, tergantung pada kehangatan dapur Anda.
3.       Kempiskan adonan dan pindahkan ke permukaan yang telah diolesi sedikit minyak.  Giling tipis memanjang, kemudian gulung sambil dipadatkan dan ditekan membentuk  log 8". Letakkan di dalam loyang roti tawar dengan penutup yang telah diolesi mentaga  ukuran8 ½"x 4 ½".  Tutup hingga ¾ bagian loyang dan diamkan selama sekitar 1 sampai 1.5 jam sampai adonan mengembang  ¾ tinggi loyang.  Panaskan oven dengan suhu 350 derajat F (175 derajat C).
4.       Tutup loyang dan panggang roti selama 35 sampai 40 menit atau sampai termometer digital yang dimasukkan di tengah roti mencapai suhu 190 derajat F (88 derajat C).
5.       Keluarkan dari oven, pindahkan ke atas cooling rack dan biarkan dingin sepenuhnya sebelum diiris. Jika suka, olesi permukaan roti dengan mentega. Simpan roti dalam kantong plastik pada suhu ruang.

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