Dulce de Leche is a
traditional South American candy (it is Spanish for ‘milk candy’) that is very
similar to caramel with an additional taste of cooked milk. Technically, it is a type of caramel. Like caramel, it can also be prepared as a
sauce—for ice cream, cakes, cookies, or just about anything that needs a sweet
topping—simply by cooking it a little less.
In solid form, it is most often eaten as a tasty candy.
The “classic” recipe for dulce
de leche is to boil a can of sweetened condensed milk for hours until the
contents form a dark brown, thick fluid. But according to my Argentinian friend, the “traditional” way of making dulce de
leche is by cooking milk and sugar in a big pot, stirring constantly until it
turns light brown.
I have made both ways, classic
(using a microwave to save time) and traditional. The condensed milk version has a pleasant and
consistent unctuousness, but it is quite sweet. Because of that, I prefer the traditional
version which has just two main ingredients: sugar and milk (some versions add
baking soda and vanilla bean) with a wide variability as to the ratio, and only
one instruction: simmer until done. A
good place to start is roughly a 4:1 ratio, milk to sugar by weight. You’ll need to watch the pot once the mixture
starts going brown, and in my experience, once I can see the bottom of the pot
while stirring, it’s done, thick enough.
I know that the traditional
way takes a long time to make (2-4+ hours, depends on how many quart of milk you
use). However, if you’re cooking the
milk slowly enough, you don’t have to watch over it carefully, especially the
later stages. But you have to watch over
it initially since the milk will foam up.
Make sure you use a large enough
pot. I was worried it wouldn’t thicken,
then all of the sudden it changed into a beautiful gold color and began to
thicken to a perfect consistency. Very
time consuming, but this is absolutely delicious.
In my humble opinion, the
traditional way is better than the classic one. The flavor of ‘from scratch’
dulce de leche (I used Alton Brown’s recipe) is so much richer and
complex. I found that cooking it low and
slow on the stove (barely simmer) for about
2.5 hours yielded a ‘spoonable’ consistency and a yield of almost 2 cups.
If you don’t have time and
patience, you can make it using the ‘classic’ way by boiling a can of sweetened
condensed milk. Here, I’ll give you the recipe
to make dulce de leche from scratch and using condensed milk. It’s up to you to choose which one is more
suitable for you.
From scratch
1 quart (1 liter) whole milk
12 ounces sugar, approximately 1 ½ cups
1 vanilla bean, split and seed scraped
½ tsp baking soda
1. Combine
the milk, sugar, vanilla bean and seeds in a large saucepan and place over
medium heat. Bring to a simmer, stirring
occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved.
2. Once
the sugar has dissolved, add the baking soda and stir it to combine. Reduce the heat to low and cook uncovered at
a bare simmer. Stir occasionally, but do
not re-incorporate the foam that appears on the top of the mixture.
3. Continue
to cook for 1 hour.
4. Remove
the vanilla bean after 1 hour and continue
to cook until the mixture is a dark caramel color and has reduced to about 1
cup, approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours (mine was done in 2.5 hours).
5. Strain
the mixture through a fine mesh strainer.
Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to a month.
Using Condensed Milk
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
¼ tsp of salt
Method 1: In the Microwave (the quickest way) ~ I used this method
1. Empty
the sweetened condensed milk into a large microwave safe bowl.
2. Microwave
on medium power or two minutes.
3. Remove
from microwave and stir with a wire whisk.
Be careful, the mixture and the bowl will get very hot and remaining
that way throughout the process.
4. Microwave
on medium power for another two minutes. Remove and stir again.
5. Repeat
the method, microwave on medium –low power for 16-24 minutes until milk turns
thick and caramel color, stirring every 1-2 minutes.
Method 2: In the
1. Preheat
oven to 425 degrees F (220 C)
2. Pour
the condensed milk into a glass of pie plate or shallow baking dish, sprinkle
with salt.
3. Set
the dish within a larger pan, such as a roasting pan, and add hot water until
it reaches halfway up the side of the pie plate.
4. Cover
the pie plate tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 1 – 1 ¼ hours. Check during baking and add more water if
5. Remove
dulce de leche from the pan and let cool.
Method 3: In the
1. Remove
the label from the can of condensed milk.
2. Pierce
two holes in the can with a can opener.
Put the holes on opposite sides. Do not skip this step. Without these
holes, the can may bulge and there is the danger of it exploding.
3. Place
the can in a small pot and fill it with enough water to come up to one inch
(2.5 cm) from the top of the can. You
will need to add more water during the cooking process to make sure the water
doesn’t go below the level as it evaporates.
To prevent the can from rattling in the water, put a rag under the can.
4. Place
the pot on your stove and turn it onto medium-high heat. Watch the water closely until you see the
water come to a simmer. Lower the heat
to hold the water at a simmer. Some of
condensed milk might escape through the holes. If this happens, scoop it off
with the spoon. Try not to let it spill
over into the water.
5. Wait. Howl long you wait depends on the type of
dulce de leche you want.
A soft Dulce de Leche takes about 3 hours.
A firm Dulce de Leche will take up to four hours.
6. Remove
the can with thongs and place on a rack to cool.
7. Open
the can carefully with a can opener and pour into a bowl. The top will be more fluid, and there will be
thicker, darker chunks at the bottom which will need to be scraped out. Whisk together to make it homogenous.
Method 4: In a
Pressure Cooker
1. Put
a liter of water in the pressure cooker with a can of sweetened condensed
milk. Don’t punch any holes in the can,
but remove the label.
2. Bring
the cooker to boil and wait for between 40 to 50 minutes after it begins it
steam. Shorter time = lighter/softer
doce. Longer time = darker/firmer doce.
3. Turn
off the heat and wait until it cools down completely.
Cara Tradisional
1 liter susu cair
12 ons gula, kurang lebih 1 ½ cups
1 batang vanilla, belah dan kerok bijinya
½ sdt baking soda
1. Tuang
susu dan campur dengan gula, vanilla ke dalam panci besar. Didihkan sambil diaduk sesekali sampai gula
2. Begitu
gula larut, tambahkan baking soda, aduk sampai bercampur. Kecilkan api sambil terus diaduk (jaga
larutan tetap dalam keadaan sedikit mendidih), tetapi jangan mengaduk atau
mencampur busa yang muncul di permukaan
dengan larutan susu.
3. Teruskan
memasak selama 1 jam.
4. Angkat
dan buang batang vanilla setelah 1
jam. Teruskan merebus sampai larutan
berwana coklat karamel dan berkurang
menjadi sekitar 1-1,5 cup, kurang lebih selama 1 ½ sampai 2 jam (Saya
memerlukan waktu selama 2,5 jam).
5. Saring,
tuang ke dalam wadah kaca tertutup dan simpan di dalam lemari pendingin. Baik digunakan dalam jangka waktu 1 bulan.
Cara Klasik
(menggunakan susu kental manis)
1 kaleng susu kental manis (SKM)
¼ sdt garam
Cara 1: Menggunakan Microwave (paling cepat) ~ Metode ini yang saya pakai
1. Tuang
1 kaleng SKM ke dalam wadah khusus untuk microwave dan tambahkan sedikit garam. Pilih wadah yang besar.
2. Microwave
selama 2 menit pada power medium.
3. Keluarkan,
aduk dengan balon whisk. Hati-hati
karena wadah dan isi akanmenjadi panas selama proses pembuatan.
4. Microwave
lagi pada power/temperatur medium selama 2 menit. Keluarkan dan aduk.
5. Ulangi
proses pemanasan dengan microwave, tetapi kali ini dengan power/temperature
medium-low selama 16-24 menit sampai susu mengental dan berwarna seperti
karamel. Aduk setiap 1-2 menit
pemanasan. Sesuaikan waktu pemanasan
sesuai dengan warna dan konsistensi yang diinginkan.
Cara 2: Menggunakan
1. Panaskan
oven dengan suhu 425 derajat F (220 C)
2. Tuang
SKM ke dalam wadah/loyang kaca. Taburi
dengan garam.
3. Tempatkan
ke dalam wadah/loyang kaca lain yang lebih besar. Isi dengan air panas setinggi setengah dari
loyang yang berisi SKM.
4. Tutup
rapat wadah yang berisi SKM dengan aluminum foil dan panggang selama 1 – 1 ¼
jam sampai berwana coklat karamel.
Periksa adonan selama proses pemanggangan dan tambahkan air bila
5. Keluarkan
dari oven dan biarkan dingin.
Cara 3: Dalam Kaleng
1. Lepas
label SKM.
2. Buat
2 lubang kecil berseberangan di atas kaleng SKM (bisa dengan paku atau pembuka
kaleng). Jangan lewatkan tahap ini!
Tanpa lubang ini, kaleng dapat menggembung dan ada kemungkinan meledak.
3. Masukkan
kaleng SKM ke dalam panci kecil, tuang air sampai kira-kira setinggi 2,5 cm di
bawah kaleng SKM. Penambahan air diperlukan selama proses pemanasan. Untuk menghindari kaleng berderak di dalam
air, bisa menempatkan tatakan di bawah kaleng sehingga kaleng tidak langsung
menyentuh dasar panci.
4. Didihkan
dengan api sedang-tinggi. Begitu air
mendidih, kecilkan api tetapi jaga air tetap sedikit mendidih. Susu akan sedikit merembes keluar dari
lubang, jika ini terjadi segera ambil dengan sendok, dan jaga jangan sampai
tumpah ke dalam air.
5. Tunggu. Lamanya menunggu tergantung pada jenis dulce
de leche yang diinginkan.
Dulce de Leche sedikit kental memerlukan waktu
sekitar 3 jam.
Dulce de Leche kental dan pekat memerlukan waktu
sampai 4 jam atau lebih.
6. Angkat
kaleng SKM dan biarkan dingin.
7. Buka
kaleng SKM dengan hati-hati dan tuang ke dalam mangkuk. Bagian permukaan akan sedikit kental,
sementara di bagian dasar aka nada gumpalan-gumpalan yang lebih pekat dan
berwarna lebih gelap. Aduk dengan balon
whisk sampai bercampur dan halus. Simpan
dalam botol kaca.
Cara 4:
Menggunakan Panci Bertekanan (Pressure Cooker)
1. Tuang
1 liter air ked lam panci bertekanan, masukkan kaleng SKM. Jangan membuat lubang di atas kaleng, tetapi
lepaskan labelnya.
2. Didihkan
dan tunggu selama 40-50 menit setelah panci mengeluarkan uap. Waktu singkat = warna lebih muda dan tidak
begitu kental. Waktu lama = kental dan pekat.
3. Matikan
api dan biarkan dingin.
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