Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Coca-Cola Brownie Cake

I’m an inexperienced cook who loves to try baking new things.   Earlier this month I have been browsing and baking  dozens of brownies recipes  until one recipe has caught my eyes.  It’s Coca-Cola brownies.  You might not think coke and brownies got together, but try this recipe and you’ll see what an amazing combination they make.

Unlike other Coca-Cola cakes or cupcakes, I don’t melt the butter with coke and then add the other ingredients.  Rather, I make the brownies like an ordinary cake.  Creaming the butter and sugar, adding eggs, melted chocolate, then the dry ingredients.  At the end, I fold in a can of coke and vanilla extract.

According to the recipe, this brownie is more 'cake-like’ than a normal brownie.  But you can make it more dense and fudgy by taking it out of the oven halfway during the cooking time and rapping the tin sharply against the oven racks, which I did.  The magical brew of carbonated cola is the secret to the tender texture.  There is also a Coca-Cola frosting recipe, but I didn’t make it.  I like to eat it just like that.

These brownies were very nice, not as intensely dense as usual chocolate brownies, but a bit lighter and still very chocolatey. The result is a dark, damp brownies with a fudgy yet springy crumbs.  Yum, Yum, Yum…. Delicious! Scrumptious! A chocolate lover’s dream!

For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

·         1 ¾ cups sugar
·         2 ½ cups all purpose flour
·         ½ cup cocoa powder
·         ½ cup chocolate chips, melted
·         ¼ cup butter
·         1 tsp baking powder
·         2 large eggs
·         1 tsp vanilla extract
·         1 can Coca-Cola (or Diet Coke)
·         ¼ cup sliced almonds (optional)

1.       Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (163 degrees C).  Line an 8x8 inch baking pan with foil (or you can use a 9x13 inch).
2.       Combine all ingredients except vanilla extract and Coca-Cola.  First cream the butter and sugar, add eggs, melted chocolate, then the dry ingredients.  Blend at low speed of mixer, then beat 2 minutes at medium speed.
3.       Add vanilla extract and Coca-Cola and blend well by hand.
4.       Pour into pan, sprinkle almonds on top. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out almost clean. 
5.       Let cool before cutting into squares.

·         1 ¾ cups gula pasir
·         2 ½ cups tepung terigu serbaguna
·         ½ cup coklat bubuk
·         ½ cup chocolate chips, lelehkan
·         ¼ cup mentega
·         1 sdt baking powder
·         2 butir telur ukuran besar
·         1 sdt ekstrak vanila
·         1 kaleng Coca-Cola (atau Diet Coke)
·         ¼ cup almond iris (optional)

1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 325 degrees F (163 degrees C ).  Siapkan loyang ukuran 8x8-inch  (atau bisa juga ukuran 9x13 inch) yang telah dialasi kertas roti atau aluminium foil. Olesi dengan minyak, sisihkan.
2.       Campur semua bahan kecuali vanilla dan Coca-Cola.  Mulai dengan mengocok mentega dan gula, lalu masukkan telur, coklat leleh, kemudian bahan kering. Kocok dengan mikser listrik kecepatan rendah, lalu kocok lagi 2 menit dengan kecepatan sedang. 
3.       Tambahkan ekstrak vanila dan Coca-Cola, aduk rata dengan spatula.
4.       Tuang ke dalam loyang, taburi dengan irisan almond.  Panggang selama 30 menit dan lalukan tes tusuk. Catatan: Beberapa orang memerlukan waktu memanggang 5-10 menit lebih lama, jadi perhatikan tingkat kematangan brownies Anda dan gunakan tes tusuk sebagai penunjuk.
5.       Dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang.  Potong sesuai selera dan sajikan.  

Note. Sebetulnya resep asli menggunakan frosting Coca-Cola untuk melapisi permukaan brownies, tetapi saya lebih suka menikmati apa adanya tanpa frosting.

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