Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cheesy Hasselback Potatoes

I’ve seen this style of potatoes floating around for a while on the internet and finally decided to see what all the fuss was about.  Hasselback Potatoes are the Swedish version of baked potatoes. These baked potatoes fans were popularized as the namesake dish of the restaurant at the Hasselbacken Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden.
They are basically a potato that is sliced thinly and baked until the outside edges get nice and crispy, kind of like french fries, and the inside is nice and tender like a baked potato; the best of both worlds!  I left my potatoes unpeeled to keep the vitamins, and they were still good. When I cut them, I find it easier to place a bamboo skewer (much easier than using the bowl of a spoon) across the very bottom of the potato and sliced the knife all the way down until it hit the was very easy to slice all the potatoes that way without cutting all the way through. 

These maybe one of my favorite new ways to make baked potatoes. It’s the evil twin of baked potato. A delicious evil twin.  In addition to being pretty amazing just like that, the space in between the slices are perfect for holding things like melted cheese. For my first hasselback potatoes, I adapted the recipe from and re-modified by me. Slices of warm, buttery potato coated in cheese and smoked beef with every bite…..umm so delish! You can use whatever spice combination you like depending upon your tastes.

You can read in Indonesian here


  • 4 large russet potatoes, scrubbed clean of any dirt (I use 8 medium yellow potatoes
  • 8 tablespoons butter, cut into slices (1 stick)
  • Olive oil
  • 200 gr cheddar cheese, grated (you can use your favorite cheese)
  • 4 slices smoked beef, cooked crispy, blotted dry and chopped
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • Sour cream, recipe follows
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  • Garlic powder


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place a potato on a clean, flat surface horizontally. (If potato rolls and does not want to sit straight, slice a tiny bit of potato off the bottom so it has a flat surface to sit on.)
  2. Using a large sharp knife, slice slits into the potato about 1/8 inch apart, being sure not to cut all the way through the bottom of the potato. (Do this with each potato.) 
  3. Place potatoes slit side up, into a roasting pan with low sides and drizzle the potatoes with olive oil. Top each potato with a good pinch of kosher salt. Place pan in the preheated oven and bake for one hour.
  4. After the hour is up and the potatoes are cooked through and crispy looking on top, place butter slices and some cheese into the slits of the potatoes. (There are no rules here, simply stuff as many slits as desired generously with butter and cheese, adding more or less depending on your preference.)
  5. Place pan back into the oven and cook an additional 5-10 minutes or until the cheese and butter are melted and bubbly.
  6. Remove from the oven and top with sour cream, bacon and green onion. Serve.
Herbed Sour Cream:
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Combine ingredients in a small bowl. Season, to taste, and refrigerate until use.

Bahasa Indonesia
  • 4 kentang russet yang besar, cuci bersih dan tiriskan (saya menggunakan 8 kentang kuning ukuran sedang)
  • 8 sdm mentega, iris tipis
  • Minyak zaitun
  • 200 gr keju cheddar, parut 
  • 4 lembar smoked beef, iris kotak-kotak kecil, tumis sebentar
  • 4 ikat daun bawang, iris halus
  • Sour cream
  • Garam dan merica hitam
  • Bubuk bawang putih
  1. Panaskan oven 200o C. Letakkan kentang di atas permukaan datar secara horizontal. 
  2. Kerat-kerat kentang setebal 1/8 inch dengan menggunakan pisau tajam. Pastikan keratan tidak terlalu dalam sehingga kentang tidak terputus. Lakukan untuk semua kentang.
  3. Letakkan di atas loyang yang telah dilapisi aluminium foil. Olesi kentang dengan minyak zaitun. Taburkan garam, merica hitam, dan bubuk bawang putih di atasnya. Masukkan oven dan panggang selama 1 jam.
  4. Setelah satu jam, kentang akan matang dan terlihat renyah di permukaannya. Keluarkan dari oven,  letakkan irisan tipis mentega dan parutan keju di celah-celah masing-masing keratan. Taburkan juga keju parut di atas kentang. (Tak ada batasan di sini, Anda dapat memasukkan sebanyak mungkin keju dan mentega sesuai selera Anda)
  5. Masukkan kembali ke dalam oven dan panggang kembali selama 5-10 menit atau sampai mentega dan keju meleleh.
  6. Keluarkan dari oven, olesi permukaannya dengan sour cream, daging asap, dan irisan daun bawang. Sajikan selagi panas'hangat.

Herbed Sour Cream:
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 sdt bubuk bawang putih
1 sdm daun parsley, iris halus
Garam dan merica hitam yg ditumbuk kasar
Campurkan semua bahan, beri bumbu, dinginkan sampai saat digunakan. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Soft and Fluffy Donuts

Donut is one of the most favorite desserts among children and has been bringing smiles since long time ago. Whether you call them  donuts  or  doughnuts, these sweet fried or baked pastries are a well loved treat. Yes, everybody loves donuts, including me. For all the reasons I mentioned above, I decided this is the time to make homemade donuts. After browsing recipes on the internet, my choice was Peggianne’s “Mom’s Raised Doughnuts” posted at 
This was my first attempt at making donuts. The recipe and the instructions were easy to follow and I followed the recipe exactly. They do take time, but they are so worth it! They turned out wonderfully fluffy, just as promised, light and airy, with just a touch of crisp on the outside. The recipe made three dozen donuts for me. I fried them in mostly veggie oil with about a ½ cup of shortening added in. I made many kinds of glazes for them like chocolate, strawberry, maple, green tea, with sprinkles, chopped roasted almond and cashew, and even nutella spread. Believe me, they are to die for! From now on, we will probably not get the store donuts again as we could make this bakery quality donuts at home! And yes, I will make this again and again.

½ cup warm water (100 to 110 degrees F/40 to 45 degrees C)
2 (0,25 ounce) packages active dry yeast
1 tsp white sugar
¾ cup milk, lukewarm
1/3 cup vegetable shortening
¼ cup white sugar
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 quarts vegetable oil for frying
1 tbsp warm water
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted

1.         Pour 1/2 cup of warm water into a small bowl, and stir in the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Allow the yeast mixture to stand until it forms a creamy foam layer on top, 5 to 10 minutes.
2.         Place milk and vegetable shortening into a small saucepan over medium-low heat and cook until the shortening has melted and the milk has tiny bubbles around the edge. Remove from heat.
3.        Place 1/4 cup of sugar and the salt into the work bowl of a large stand mixer and pour the milk and shortening into the bowl. Mix on low speed just to dissolve sugar; and allow mixture to stand until warm.
4.         Beat in the yeast mixture, eggs, and 1 cup of flour on low speed until smooth. Gradually beat in remaining flour to make a soft dough.
5.         Continue beating the dough on low speed until dough leaves the sides of the bowl, 2 to 3 minutes.
6.         Turn the dough out onto a well-floured work surface and knead until smooth and elastic, 2 or 3 more minutes.
7.         Form the dough into a ball and place into a large greased bowl. Grease the top of the dough, and cover the bowl with waxed paper. Set the bowl into a warm place; let the dough rise until doubled in size, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
8.         Punch down the dough and roll out on a floured work surface to 1/2 inch thick. Cut doughnuts out of the dough with a 3 1/2-inch round doughnut cutter with a 1-inch smaller cutter in the center. Let the doughnuts rise on the work surface until very light and fluffy, 40 minutes to 1 hour.
9.         Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
10.    Gently pick up and drop the doughnuts into the hot oil, working in small batches of 2 or 3 at a time, and cook until the doughnuts are light golden brown, turning once, about 2 minutes.

11.  Drain the doughnuts on paper towels to absorb oil.
12.  In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of warm water and vanilla extract, and stir in the confectioners' sugar to make a glaze. Spread a thin layer of glaze over the warm doughnuts.
13.  (This is addition from me) Or you can glaze your doughnuts with your favorite glaze. Pour the glaze into a shallow bowl. Dunk the doughnuts, let any excess glaze drip off, and transfer to a wire rack placed on a baking sheet or over a sheet of parchment paper to rest until glaze sets. (Who are we kidding? We know these glazed doughnuts are going straight from bowl to gaping mouth J)

Happy Frying!

½ cup air hangat (100 s.d. 110 derajat F/40 s.d 45 derajat C)
2 pak ragi kering aktif
1 sdt gula pasir
¾ cup susu, suam-suam kuku
1/3 cup shortening
¼ cup gula pasir
1 sdt garam
2 butir telur
4 cups tepung terigu serbaguna, ayak
2 liter minyak sayur untuk menggoreng
1 sdm air hangat
½ sdt vanilla cair
1 cup gula halus, ayak

1.         Tuang ½ cup air hangat ke dalam gelas kecil. Masukkan ragi dan 1 sdt gula pasir dengan cara disebarkan. Biarkan ragi bekerja sampai membentuk lapisan yg berbusa pada permukaan air, selama 5-10 menit.
2.         Dalam panci kecil, panaskan susu dan shortening dengan api sedang-kecil sampai shortening meleleh dan susu sedikit berbusa. Angkat, sisihkan.
3.         Masukkan ¼ cup gula pasir dan garam ke dalam baskom/mangkuk besar aduk. Tuang larutan susu dan shortening, kocok dengan mikser dengan kecepatan randah, agar gula larut dan adonan menjadi hangat. Bisa juga diuleni dengan tangan.
4.         Tambahkan larutan ragi, telur, dan 1 cup tepung terigu. Kocok dengan kecepatan rendah sampai licin (bisa juga diuleni dengan tangan). Tambahkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit sampai adonan lembut.
5.         Kocok terus adonan dengan kecepat rendah sampai adonan tidak menempel lagi di mangkuk, selama 2-3 menit.
6.         Pindahkan adonan ke atas meja kerja yang telah ditaburi terigu, uleni kembali dengan tangan sampai kalis.
7.         Bentuk bulat adonan, letakkan dalam  letakkan dalam wadah yang telah diolesi sedikit miinyak, dan tutup dengan plastik atau serbet lembab selama 1 jam sampai adonan mengembang 2x lipat, selama 1 sampai 1½ jam.
8.         Kempeskan adonan dan gilas dengan rolling pin setebal  kira-kira ½ inch. Cetak dengan cetkan bentuk donat (saya memakai cetakan dengan diameter 3 inch). Diamkan sampai donat mengembang selama 40 menit sampai 1 jam.
9.         Panaskan minyak sampai suhu 350 derajat F (175 derajat C).
10.   Goreng donat sampai coklat keemasan, dibalik sekali saja, selama kurang lebih 2 menit.
11.   Angkat, tiriskan di atas tissue makan. Drain the doughnuts on paper towels to absorb oil.
12.   Dalam mangkuk, campur 1 sdm air hangat dan vanilla cair, masukkan gula halus, aduk sampai halus untuk membuat glaze. Oleskan di atas donat yg masih hangat. Bisa juga menghias dengan glaze lain sesuai selera.

13.   (Tambahan dari saya) Tuang glaze ke dalam mangkuk. Celupkan donat, biarkan sisa glaze-nya menetes, letakkan di atas rak kue yang telah dialasi kertas minyak. Biarkan sampai glaze mengeras. 

Selamat mencoba!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

5 Minutes Chocolate Mug Cake

I told you before that I adore chocolate and I'll be more that grateful to cook/bake and eat anything with chocolate in it .  I like the morning bustle, the smell of hot coffee and cocoa, scrambled eggs, and toast. But when I'm in hurry, I don't even have much time to cook breakfast for my family, until I found this recipe.

I got this 5 MINUTES CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE recipe from Mark Atherton, a member of another culinary group based in UK where I'm also a member.  This is the most dangerous cake recipe in the world, because now we are only 5 minutes away from making chocolate cake at any time of the day or night, even your 5 years old daughter can make it J.  The original recipe uses a large coffee mug and is cooked for 3 minutes.  Since a large coffee mug is too 'large' for me, so I divide the batter into 2 tea cups and reduce the cooking time to 1.5 minutes (have tried for 2 minutes, but it was overcooked and too dry).

For recipe in Indonesian click HERE
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
A small splash of vanilla extract
3 tbsp chocolate chips (optional)
1 large coffee mug (or you can use 2 tea cups like I did)

1.       Add dry ingredients to mug and mix well.
2.       Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
3.       Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
4.       Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract and mix again.

5.       Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at high temperature (1.5 minutes if you use tea cup).  The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed!  Allow to cool a little and tip out onto a plate if desired.

Bahasa Indonesia
4 sdm tepung terigu serbaguna
4 sdm gula pasir
2 sdm coklat bubuk
1 butir telur
3 sdm susu cair
3 sdm minyak sayur (mentega/margarine cair)
Sedikit ekstrak vanilla
3 sdm chocolate chps (sesuai selera)
1 mug kopi yang besar (boleh menggunakan 2 cangkir the seperti saya)

1.       Masukkan bahan kering (tepung, gula, coklat bubuk) ke dalam mug, aduk rata.
2.       Tambahkan telur, aduk hingga bercampur.
3.       Tuang susu da n minyak sayur, aduk rata.
4.       Tambahkan choco chips (bila menggunakan) dan ekstrak vanilla, aduk rata.
5.       Masukkan mug ke dalam microwave, masak selama 3 menit pada temperature ‘high’ (1,5 menit jika menggunakan cangir teh).  Cake akan mengembang.  Biarkan sedikit dingin, pindahkan ke piring kecil atau langsung dimakan dari mug.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sweetened Condensed Milk Ice Cream

I adore chocolate and ice cream.  A few years a go, I got so frustated with seeing tempting ice cream at the stores or reading the recipes in my favorite food magazines.  The creamy desserts always sounded so inviting but inevitably the final instruction would be to 'freeze in an ice cream machine according to the manufacture's directions'.  I just mumbled to myself, "I wish I had an ice cream maker so I could make this,"  Yes, how can I make one of these but I don't have an ice cream maker?

Then I started browsing on the internet and searching for homemade ice cream recipes without the need of ice cream maker.  You know what? They are plenty!  Yes, folks, if you don't have an ice cream maker, you still can create delicious homemade ice cream!  It takes a bit longer, but the results are every bit as delicious! Making homemade ice cream is easier than I think! Give everybody something to scream about with these yummy ice cream flavors I can make at home.

This time, I don't use whipping cream, I use sweetened condensed milk instead.  But the taste is super creamy and delicious - a close tie with our all-time favorite ice cream.  I adapted (and modified by me) this basic recipe from one of the members (I'm not sure which one because this recipe has been used many many times that I'm having difficulties finding the original one) of a culinary group in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I'm also a member.  But who ever this person is, I thank her for sharing this easy recipe J

For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

3 tbsp corn flour
300 ml whole milk (plain)
1 egg, lightly beaten

1 can of sweetened condensed milk
300 ml whole milk (plain)
1 tbsp emulsifier of your choice

C: (add ins)
Chocolate chips
Any kind of nut of your choice
Any kind of chopped fruit of your choice
Vanilla extract

1.       For ingredients A: Mix corn flour and milk in a small saucepan.  Stir the beaten egg into it.  Cook over low to medium heat, stirring continuously until you can see bubbles forming around the edges of the mixture.  The mixture is done when it is somewhat thick and coats the spoon.   Cover with plastic wrap and eave the custard until lukewarm before using.

Corn flour paste (custard) 
2.       Pour the condensed milk and emulsifier in a large bowl and whisk until they are thickened (it only takes about 2 minutes, I used a hand mixer on high speed).  While constantly whisking, slowly add the custard and remaining milk alternately and whisk until it is blended (a few seconds).
3.       Transfer the mixture to a freeze-safe bowl or container (if not already in one).  Cover tightly with plastic wrap or an airtight cover.  Place in the freezer and allow to freeze for 2-3 hours.
4.       Remove from the freezer and beat with a hand mixer to break up the ice crystals that are beginning to form.  Cover and place back in freezer for 2-3 more hours.
5.       Remove from the freezer and beat again with the hand mixer.  The ice cream should be thick but too soft to scoop.  If it is not thick enough, return it to freezer for an additional freezing time.  Beat again.  If the ice cream has thickened properly, stir in any add-ins at this point (you can add almost any fruit and nut you have, chocolate chips, cookie chunks, etc.).  Do not beat with the hand mixer after the add-ins have been mixed in.
6.       Pour into a plastic airtight freezer container, leaving at least ½-inch space at the top.  Cover and place the container back in the freezer and allow the ice cream to freeze until firm.

Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan A:
3 sdm maizena
300 ml susu cair (bisa diganti dengan air)
1 butir telur, kocok lepas

Bahan B:
1 kaleng SKM (susu kental manis)
300 ml susu cair (bisa diganti dengan air)
1 sdm emulsifier (SP/ovalet/TBM)

Bahan C:
Chocolate chips
Kacang-kacangan sesuai selera
Buah-buahan sesuai selera
Esktrak vanila
dll, rasa bisa disesuaikan

1.       Bahan A: Dalam panci kecil, masukkan maizena dan susu cair lalu aduk sampai maizena larut, masukkan kocokan telur dan aduk sampai telur menyatu.  Nyalakan api kecil-sedang, aduk-aduk sampai mengental dan sedikit meletup.  Angkat dan tutup untuk menghindari adonan bergerindil waktu dikocok .  Sisihkan sampai adonan sedikit hangat.  Kocok sebentar sampai halus.
2.       Masukkan SKM dan emulsifier ke wadah, kocok sebentar saja dengan hand mixer sampai mengembang dan kaku.  Sambil terus dikocok, masukkan susu cair dan adonan A sedikit demi sedikit secara bergantian.  Kocok 15-30 menit sampai mengembang.
3.       Pindahkan ke dalam wadah khusus untuk freezer dan tutup rapat.  Masukkan ke dalam freezer.  Bekukan selama 2-3 jam.
4.       Keluarkan dari freezer dan kocok kembali untk memecah Kristal es yang terbentuk.  Masukkan kembali ke dalam freezer dan bekukan selama 2-3 jam.
5.       Keluarkan dari freezer dan kocok kembali.  Pada tahap ini es krim sudah mengental  dan kaku tetapi masih terlalu lembut untuk diambuil dengan sendok.  Jika es krim sudah cukup lembut, masukkan bahan tambahan (bahan C) sesuai selera.  Aduk dengan spatula.
6.       Masukkan kembali ke dalam freezer dan biarkan sampai es krim membeku.  Pengocokan ulang bisa dilakukan kembali bila es krim masih terasa kurang lembut, tetapi lakukan sebelum penambahan bahan C.