Friday, July 18, 2014

Nastar (Indonesian Pineapple-filled Cookies)

Nastar or pineapple-filled cookie is one of the classic popular cookies in Indonesia.  You will see it everywhere during Chrismast, Chinese New Year, and Eid-al-Fitr.  And for me, Eid-al-Fitr is not complete without this Nastar cookies.  It has to be there, available on every table of every person's house.

Nastar is a small cookies filled with pineapple jam and quite simple to make.  I might say that the majority of the work is on making pineapple jam.  Making pineapple jam is really time consuming. It takes few hours to cook it to the consistency where you can wrap it with the dough.  If you’re planning to make Nastar, I suggest you make the filling a day before or a week before.  You can keep the jam in refrigerator for  a few weeks or even months in the freezer.

This cookies has always been a favorite amongst my family members and usually gone very fast in the stomach because it’s so delicious.  If you’re a fan of the super crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth texture, this is the recipe for you.

Nastar (Indonesian Pineapple-filled Cookies)
For Recipe in Indonesian click HERE

Pineapple jam:

·         1 large pineapple (or  2 small pineapples) peeled and rub with some salt and then wash with clean water. Slice and blend with the blender until you get a smooth mixture
·         200g caster sugar
·         ½ tsp salt
·         5 cloves
·         1 stick cinnamon

Mix all ingredients and put them in a saucepan and let it simmer with low heat for few hours.  Stir it occasionally until you get dry and thick mixture.  Shape into small balls and place on baking paper-lined tray.  Cover with plastic wrap and freeze until needed.

Egg wash:
·         2 egg yolks
·         1 tsp milk
·         1 tsp honey

Mix together all ingredients in a small bow.  Make sure the honey is dissolved well and the mixture is no longer lumpy.

For  the cookies:

·         200g unsalted butter
·         250g all-purpose flour
·         60g powdered sugar
·         30g cornflour
·         20g milk powder
·         2 egg yolks

1.       Using a whisk or spatula, mix butter, sugar, and egg yolks until soft and light.

2.       Add the dry ingredients (both flours and milk powder) and mix until  fully incorporated. If the mixture too wet, add some flour.
3.       Cover the dough and refrigerate for about 30 minutes until firm.
4.       Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Line several cookie sheets with parchment.

5.       Roll the dough into 1-inch balls. Make a depression in the center of each ball and fill with pineapple jam filling.  Pinch the edges of the dough back around the filling, and turn seam side down. Place on baking trays  about 2 inches apart.

6.       Bake for 15 minutes, take it out. Brush the tops of each cookie with egg wash and bake for another 15 minutes until shiny and golden.  Cool on wire racks.

Selai nanas:

·         1 buah nanas ukuran besar (atau 2 buah nanas ukuran kecil)ecil dan haluskan denganmenggunakan blender.
·         200g gula pasir
·         ½ sdt garam
·         5 butir cengkeh
·         1 batang kayumanis

Masak nanas, cengkeh, dan kayumanis hingga airnya menyusut.  Masukkan gula dan garam, masak kembali hingga matang dan mengental.  Angkat dan dinginkan.  Bentuk menjadi bola-bola kecil. Tutup dengan plastic wrap dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin sampai siap digunakan.

Bahan Olesan:
·         2 kuning telur
·         1 sdt susu
·         1 sdt madu

Campur semua bahan.  Pastikan madu larut sempurna dan tidak menggumpal.

Adonan kue:

·         200g mentega tawar
·         250g tepung terigu serbaguna
·         60g gula tepung
·         30g maizena
·         20g susu bubuk
·         2 kuning telur


1.       Dengan menggunakan whisk atau spatula, campur dan aduk mentega, gula, dan kuning telur hingga lembut.
2.       Masukkan bahan kering (terigu, maizena, dan susu bubuk) dan aduk hingga bercampur.  Jika adonan terlalu basah, tambahkan sedikit terigu. 
3.       Tutup adonan dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin selama kurang lebih 30 menit.
4.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 300 derajat F (150 derajat C).  Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi mentega atau dialasi kertas roti.
5.       Ambil adonan dan buat bulatan dengan diameter sekitar 1 inch.  Pipihkan dan isi dengan selai nanas. Bulatkan kembali adonan sehingga selai nanas tertutup.  Letakkan di atas loyang yang telah disiapkan.
6.       Panggang selama 15 menit kemudian keluarkan.  Oles permukaan kue dengan bahan olesan dan panggang kembali selama 15 menit hingga matang. 

Sagu Keju (Indonesian Cassava Cheese Cookies)

Ramadan month, where Moslems are fasting for the whole 30 days is almost over.  Eid-al-Fitr (Indonesian = Idul Fitri or Lebaran) is around the corner.  Eid-al-Fitr is not only for celebrations, but also a time for atonement to ask for forgiveness for the sins which we may have committed but was cleansed as a result of the fasting.  Families usually will have special meals served during breakfast, brunch or lunch; and cookies to treat guests, friends, and relatives.

Cookies such as Nastar (pineapple cookies), Sagu Keju (cassava cheese cookies), kaastengels, and many more are easily found in every house in Indonesia during The Eid.  As for Sagu Keju, it’s quite popular cookies and in demand by my family. Yep, it’s everyone’s favorite.

Sagu Keju (sagu = sago, keju = cheese) is a traditional Indonesian recipe for a classic cookie made with a blend of sago, cornflour, and wheat flour bound with egg, butter and margarine that’s lightly sweetened and flavored with cheese.  Actually the term ‘sagu’ for ‘sago’ (as tepung sagu) usually applies to tapioca as well, since sago flour and tapioca flour are usually interchangeable.  Though the recipe uses ‘Sagu’ as its name, but tapioca flour (or you can also use arrowroot flour) is mostly used as the main ingredient.  The tapioca flour has to be fried first (or heated up) to make a melt in the mouth texture.

Sagu Keju has a very distinctive flavor that is not to be missed while celebrating the Eid.  I love them and couldn’t stop eating them.  They tasted crispy on the first bite, then melt-in-the-mouth texture with a cheesy taste.  Mouth-watering. Try this and you will agree with me.

Sagu Keju (Indonesian Cassava Cheese Cookies)
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE


·         125g margarine
·         100g unsalted butter
·         150g fine powdered sugar
·         ½ tsp sea salt
·         1 egg
·         1 egg yolk
·         110g instant coconut milk
·         425g sago flour (or tapioca)
·         100g cornflour
·         45g milk powder
·         150g old Edam cheese, grated
·         2 pandan leaves


1.       Wash and dry the pandan leaves, cut into short sections.  Dry-fry (without oil) sago (or tapioca) flour and pandan leaves in low heat about 10 minutes.  You can also use a microwave.  Put sago (or tapioca) flour and pandan leaves on a piece of kitchen paper and put into the microwave.  Cook on HIGH for 1 minute.  Remove from microwave and transfer onto a new piece of kitchen paper.  Put back in microwave and cook on HIGH for another minute.  Remove and sift it into a mixing bowl.  Preheat oven to 150 degrees C.

2.       In the meantime, cream softened butter, margarine, and sugar until pale and fluffy.  Beat in egg and egg yolk, one at a time until well mixed.  Add coconut milk, mix well.
3.       Add finely grated cheese, sifted sago (or tapioca) flour, corn flour, and milk powder.  Mix well.

4.       Transfer the dough into a piping bag fitted with a broad star nozzle.  Pipe out into small flower shapes.

5.       Bake for about 20-25 minutes.  The cookies should remain light golden in color, so don’t let the cookies get too brown.  Allow to cool before serving.


·         125g margarin
·         100g mentega tawar
·         150g gula tepung
·         ½ sdt garam
·         1 butir telur
·         1 kuning telur
·         110g santan kental instan
·         425g tepung sagu (atau tepung tapioka)
·         100g maizena
·         45g susu bubuk
·         150g keju Edam parut
·         2 lembar daun pandan


1.       Cuci dan keringkan daun pandan, potong menjadi beberapa bagian.  Sangrai tepung sagu (atau tapioka) dengan api kecil selama kurang lebih 10 menit.

2.       Kocok mentega, margarin, gula tepung, dan garam sampai lembut.  Tambahkan telur dan santan.  Kocok rata.
3.       Masukkan keju parut, aduk rata.  Tambahkan tepung sagu (atau tapioka), maizena, dan susu bubuk sambil diayak.  Aduk rata.

4.       Masukkan ke dalam kantong semprot.  Semprot adonan dengan spuit bintan di atas loyang yang telah diolesi margarin.

5.       Panggang selama 20-25 menit menggunakan api bawah dengan suhu 150 derajat C.