Kkwabaegi, a pretty common street food sold by vendors in
Korea, literally put a twist on traditional doughnuts. The dough is rolled into
a rope and then twisted together to create the signature shape. After they are
fried, the doughnut is simply coated in sugar and cinnamon powder mixture.
These Korean style twisted doughnuts are delicious and
fun to make. With simple ingredients you
have on hands, you can easily make them for your family at home. They are best
to eat shortly after frying, but you can freeze any leftovers for up to a
month. Thaw the frozen doughnuts at room
temperature for 5 to 10 minutes before serving or you can warm them in
microwave for 10 seconds in high power just before eating. They will taste just as great as freshly made
Kkwabaegi ~ Twisted Korean Doughnut (adapted from
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE
3 cups all-purpose flour
45 grams butter
7 grams active dry yeast
1 cup milk
1 egg
2 tablespoons white sugar (plus 3 tablespoons
for dusting)
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
Vegetable oil for frying
1. Melt
the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Remove from the heat and add milk, sugar, and
salt. Mix well until all are dissolved. Add an egg and mix well.
2. Transfer
to a large bowl. Add 3 cups of flour and active yeast. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Attach a dough hook
of your mixer and knead the dough for at least 15 minutes until it becomes
smooth and elastic. Form the dough into
a ball and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rise for about 1 hour in a slightly
warm place until it doubles in size.
3. Deflate
the gas with your hand and knead for few minutes. Divide the dough into 16
equal sizes (about 40 grams each). Round to make a ball.
4. Roll
a ball of the dough out to about 10 inches length and ½ inch in diameter. While you are rolling it, twist each end in
the opposite directions so that the dough will become twisted when you release
the tension. Take the dough off the board, hold it aloft, and bring the ends
together. The tension in the dough will twist it as it hangs. You can add as
much tension as you like, but the best looking kkwabaegi has 3-4 twists in it.
5. Set
it aside for about 20 minutes to rise again. 10 minutes in, gently flip each doughnut
with your hands so the bottoms don’t get flat and all sides rise nice and
6. Meanwhile,
heat the oil on medium-high. When you drop a piece of doughnut in the oil and it rises in about 2 seconds,
the temperature of the oil is right. Fry
the doughnuts until golden brown then flip it over once. If you flip it often, the doughnut will
become too greasy.
7. Strain
the fried doughnuts. Put them in a plastic bag with the sugar and cinnamon
mixture. Shake a few times until they are evenly coated. This is best done when
the doughnuts are still warm.
3 cups tepung terigu serbaguna
45 gram mentega
7 gram ragi aktif instan
1 cup susu cair
1 butir telur
2 sdm gula pasir (plu2 3 sdm untuk taburan)
½ sdt garam
½ sdt bubuk kayumanis
Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng
1. Lelehkan
mentega dalam panci kecil. Tambahkan susu, gula, dan garam. Aduk sampai larut.
Tambahkan telur dan aduk sampai bercampur.
2. Pindahkan
ke dalam mangkuk besar (atau mangkuk mikser).
Tambahkan 3 cup tepung terigu dan ragi.
Aduk dengan spatula kayu hingga bercampur. Pasang dough
hook pada mikser dan nyalakan (uleni) selama sedikitnya 15 menit sampai
kalis dan elastis. Anda juga dapat menguleninya dengan tangan. Bulatkan adonan dan tutup dengan plastic wrap. Biarkan mengembang sampai
dua kali lipat selama sekitar 1-1.5 jam.
3. Kempiskan
adonan dan uleni sebentar. Bagi adonan menjadi 16 bagian sama besar (sekitar 40
gram setiap bagian). Bulatkan masing-masing adonan.
4. Menggunakan
kedua telapak tangan Anda, gulung adonan membentuk gulungan tipis sepanjang 10
inch dengan diameter sekitar ½ inch. Gulung ujungnya dengan arah yang
berlawanan sehingga adonan seperti dipelintir. Angkat dan rekatkan kedua
ujungnya, adonan akan dengan sendirinya melintir (twisted). Anda dapat membuat
‘pelintiran’/uliran sebanyak yang Anda suka, tetapi Kkwabaegi biasanya memiliki
3-4 uliran.
5. Diamkan
selama sekitar 20 menit agar adonan mengembang.
Pada 10 menit pertama, balik setiap adonan donat agar bagian bawah tidak
pipih dan donat mengembang sempurna.
6. Panaskan
minyak dengan api sedang. Temperatur minyak dianggap tepat untuk menggoreng
donat apabila donat yang kita masukkan ke dalam minyak langsung naik dalam
waktu 2 detik. Goreng semua donat sampai berwarna kecoklatan dan balik hanya
sekali saja.
7. Tiriskan
donat yang sudah digoreng. Masukkan ke dalam kantong plastik yang berisi
campuran gula dan bubuk kayumanis. Kocok
hingga permukaan donat tertutup gula. Sajikan selagi hangat.