I adore chocolate and ice cream. A few years a go, I got so frustated with seeing tempting ice cream at the stores or reading the recipes in my favorite food magazines. The creamy desserts always sounded so inviting but inevitably the final instruction would be to 'freeze in an ice cream machine according to the manufacture's directions'. I just mumbled to myself, "I wish I had an ice cream maker so I could make this," Yes, how can I make one of these but I don't have an ice cream maker?
Then I started browsing on the internet and searching for homemade ice cream recipes without the need of ice cream maker. You know what? They are plenty! Yes, folks, if you don't have an ice cream maker, you still can create delicious homemade ice cream! It takes a bit longer, but the results are every bit as delicious! Making homemade ice cream is easier than I think! Give everybody something to scream about with these yummy ice cream flavors I can make at home.
This time, I don't use whipping cream, I use sweetened condensed milk instead. But the taste is super creamy and delicious - a close tie with our all-time favorite ice cream. I adapted (and modified by me) this basic recipe from one of the members (I'm not sure which one because this recipe has been used many many times that I'm having difficulties finding the original one) of a culinary group in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I'm also a member. But who ever this person is, I thank her for sharing this easy recipe J
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE
3 tbsp corn flour
300 ml whole milk (plain)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
300 ml whole milk (plain)
1 tbsp emulsifier of your choice
C: (add ins)
Chocolate chips
Any kind of nut of your choice
Any kind of chopped fruit of your choice
Vanilla extract
1. For
ingredients A: Mix corn flour and milk in a small saucepan. Stir the beaten egg into it. Cook over low to medium heat, stirring continuously
until you can see bubbles forming around the edges of the mixture. The mixture is done when it is somewhat thick
and coats the spoon. Cover with plastic wrap and eave the custard
until lukewarm before using.
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Corn flour paste (custard)
2. Pour
the condensed milk and emulsifier in a large bowl and whisk until they are
thickened (it only takes about 2 minutes, I used a hand mixer on high
speed). While constantly whisking,
slowly add the custard and remaining milk alternately and whisk until it is
blended (a few seconds).
3. Transfer
the mixture to a freeze-safe bowl or container (if not already in one). Cover tightly with plastic wrap or an
airtight cover. Place in the freezer and
allow to freeze for 2-3 hours.
4. Remove
from the freezer and beat with a hand mixer to break up the ice crystals that
are beginning to form. Cover and place
back in freezer for 2-3 more hours.
5. Remove
from the freezer and beat again with the hand mixer. The ice cream should be thick but too soft to
scoop. If it is not thick enough, return
it to freezer for an additional freezing time.
Beat again. If the ice cream has
thickened properly, stir in any add-ins at this point (you can add almost any
fruit and nut you have, chocolate chips, cookie chunks, etc.). Do not beat with the hand mixer after the
add-ins have been mixed in.
6. Pour
into a plastic airtight freezer container, leaving at least ½-inch space at the
top. Cover and place the container back
in the freezer and allow the ice cream to freeze until firm.
Bahan A:
3 sdm maizena
300 ml susu cair (bisa diganti dengan air)
1 butir telur, kocok lepas
Bahan B:
1 kaleng SKM (susu kental manis)
300 ml susu cair (bisa diganti dengan air)
1 sdm emulsifier (SP/ovalet/TBM)
Bahan C:
Chocolate chips
Kacang-kacangan sesuai selera
Buah-buahan sesuai selera
Esktrak vanila
dll, rasa bisa disesuaikan
1. Bahan
A: Dalam panci kecil, masukkan maizena dan susu cair lalu aduk sampai maizena larut,
masukkan kocokan telur dan aduk sampai telur menyatu. Nyalakan api kecil-sedang, aduk-aduk sampai
mengental dan sedikit meletup. Angkat
dan tutup untuk menghindari adonan bergerindil waktu dikocok . Sisihkan sampai adonan sedikit hangat. Kocok sebentar sampai halus.
2. Masukkan
SKM dan emulsifier ke wadah, kocok sebentar saja dengan hand mixer sampai
mengembang dan kaku. Sambil terus
dikocok, masukkan susu cair dan adonan A sedikit demi sedikit secara bergantian. Kocok 15-30 menit sampai mengembang.
3. Pindahkan
ke dalam wadah khusus untuk freezer dan tutup rapat. Masukkan ke dalam freezer. Bekukan selama 2-3 jam.
4. Keluarkan
dari freezer dan kocok kembali untk memecah Kristal es yang terbentuk. Masukkan kembali ke dalam freezer dan bekukan
selama 2-3 jam.
5. Keluarkan
dari freezer dan kocok kembali. Pada
tahap ini es krim sudah mengental dan
kaku tetapi masih terlalu lembut untuk diambuil dengan sendok. Jika es krim sudah cukup lembut, masukkan
bahan tambahan (bahan C) sesuai selera.
Aduk dengan spatula.
6. Masukkan
kembali ke dalam freezer dan biarkan sampai es krim membeku. Pengocokan ulang bisa dilakukan kembali bila
es krim masih terasa kurang lembut, tetapi lakukan sebelum penambahan bahan C.
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