Thursday, March 13, 2014

Egg-cellent Dyed Deviled Eggs

Eggs have been around since no one can remember.  The world likes them and has liked them for a very long time.  Eggs can be cooked all sort ways, but the country’s favorite has to be deviled eggs.   I like deviled eggs too.  Of course these are fantastic not only for Easter (well I don’t celebrate Easter) but also for all types of gatherings.  How did these offerings begin? When and with whom did these very special eggs get created?

Based on what I’ve read, egg mimosa (deviled eggs) originated in Rome.  The first known recipes came from 13th century Andalusia, however the name came in the 18th century.  They were originally considered stuffed eggs, often filled with raisins and other sweet herbs, as printed in medieval texts.  The term deviled came from 18th century England, relating to cooking in fiery hot spices or condiments.  Since there are so many known recipes for deviled eggs, this is really a pretty accurate name for this dish.

Today many other foods, including eggs and crab, are served ‘deviled’.  To be considered deviled, a food has to have a kick from something like Dijon mustard, hot sauce, cayenne pepper, or chopped hot peppers. I read many deviled egg recipes before I made my own version.  I added more mayo  and cheese sauce as I like the consistency creamier.  I also seasoned it with a little garlic and onion powder and a bit of cayenne for added kick.  These eggs were irresistible and if you are an egg loving person, you will think they are Egg-cellent!

For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

8 eggs
Food coloring (blue, red, purple, green etc)
1 tbsp of white vinegar for each glass
1/3 cup mayonnaise
¼ tsp mustard (yellow or brown)
Splash of garlic powder
Splash of onion powder
Splash of cayenne pepper  or paprika  (sweet, hot, or smoked, depending on your taste)
1 tbsp cheese sauce (optional)
½ tsp minced chives (not totally necessary but good)
Salt and pepper to taste

1.       In a large pot of water, add the eggs until just covered and add a healthy amount of salt.  Bring eggs to rolling boil, boil 1 minute then turn off heat, cover  and sit for 15 minutes. Quickly immerse eggs in ice water and let sit 5 minutes.

2.       In each tall glass add a good amount of food coloring, 1 tbsp vinegar to help develop the color, and fill with water half way full, stir well.

3.       Take eggs out of ice bath and crack all over, leaving the shell in tact.

4.       Add 2-3 eggs to each glass full of food coloring and let sit 4-8 hours or overnight (I put them in the fridge).

      The longer they sit, the darker the color.  Then remove the shell very carefully to see the pretty cracked lines.

5.       Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out the yolks.

6.       Place the yolks in a medium size mixing bowl and mash them with a fork.   

      Blend in mayonnaise, mustard, garlic and onion powder, cheese sauce and salt and pepper. You don’t need to add too much salt, the yolk is salty itself.  

7.       Carefully put the egg yolk mixture back into the egg whites but do not pack it.  There will be enough mixture so the whites are overfilled.

8.       Sprinkle with cayenne or paprika and chives.  Cool before serving.

This is a simple recipe for deviled eggs, but sometimes the most simple tastes ate the best.  This is really a great base recipe as well for those who like to play with their food and make it more personal.

8 butir telur
Pewarna makanan (biru, merah, ungu, hijau sesuai selera)
1 sdm cuka putih untuk setiap gelas
1/3 cup mayones
¼ sdt mustard
Sedikit bubuk bawang putih
Sedikit bubuk bawang bombay
Sedikit bubuk cabe atau paprika
1 sdm saus keju (optional)
½ sdt daun chived kering (tidak harus)
Garam dan merica sesuai selera

1.       Masukkan telur ke dalam panci, isi dengan air sampai telur terendam dan tambahkan 1 sdt garam. Rebus sampai mendidih, biarkan mendidih selama 1 menit lalu matikan api, tutup dan diamkan selama 15 menit.  Segera rendam telur rebus dalam air es dan diamkan selama 5 menit.
2.       Masukkan beberapa tetes pewarna makanan ke dalam gelas, 1 sdm cuka, dan isi dengan air setengah penuh, aduk hingga pewarna larut.
3.       Keluarkan telur dari rendaman air es dan ketuk-ketuk telur  pada permukaan meja sehingga seluruh kulit telur retak tetapi masih menempel.
4.       Masukkan 2-3 telur ke dalam tiap gelas dan diamkan selama 4-8 jam atau selama semalam (saya meletakkannya di dalam lemari es).  Semakin lama didiamkan, semakin gelap warna yang dihasilkan. Lepaskan kulit telur dengan hati-hati agar tidak ada telur yang  menempel dan terbuang.

5.       Belah telur memanjang, keluarkan kuning telurnya.
6.       Letakkan kuning telur di dalam mangkuk dan haluskan dengan garpu.  Tambahkan mayones, mustard, bubuk bawang putih dan bawang bombay, saus keju dan jika perlu garam dan merica, aduk rata. Jangan menambahkan garam terlalu banyak karena kuning telur sendiri sudah sedikit asin.  
7.       Isi masing-masing putih telur dengan campuran kuning telur menggunakan semprotan kue atau dengan sendok.
8.       Taburi  dengan bubuk paprika dan daun chives. Dinginkan sebelum disajikan. 

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