Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fried Flat Rice Noodles with Beef ~ Char Kway Teow ~ Kwetiau Goreng Sapi

Fried Flat Rice Noodles (Kwetiau Goreng in Indonesian) is my old-time favorite and popular dish in Indonesia.  Making it at home is easy.  Fresh flat rice noodles of 1 cm is stir fried with ingredients like prawns, eggs,  beef or chicken, bean sprouts, fresh chili paste, and seasoned with dark and light soy sauce.  Yes, it does sound like there are lots of ingredients, which make this dish so scrumptious!  For those that can’t take spiciness, of course chili paste can be opted out.  As for me, homemade chili paste is a mandatory.  Even if less ingredients are used, the taste is just fantastic!

For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

·         500 g fresh flat rice noodles or dries thick rice stick
·         200 g prawns, shelled and deveined
·         200 g beef, thinly sliced
·         5 Indonesian meatballs (bakso sapi), thinly sliced
·         2-3 eggs
·         100 g bean sprouts, trimmed off brown parts
·         3-4 stalk spring onions/Chinese chives/scallion, cut into 5 cm
·         25 g Chinese cabbage/chaisim
·         3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
·         1 onion, chopped
·         3-4 tbsp vegetable oil
·         1-2 tbsp chili paste

·         4 tbsp sweet soy sauce/dark soy sauce
·         2 tbsp light soy sauce
·         3 tbsp oyster sauce
·         2 tbsp sesame oil
·         White pepper to taste
·         Salt to taste
·         Sugar to taste
·         2 tbsp water

1.       Mix all seasoning ingredients, then set aside.
2.       If using fresh flat rice noodles, the noodles usually come stuck together, gently separate them.  If they are too oily, place on a kitchen towel to soak up some oil.  If the dried thick rice stick is used, prepare according to packet’s instruction.  Usually you will need to place them in a mixing bowl and pour enough hot boiling water and let sit for 10 minutes until they sort of untangle themselves.  Drain before using.
3.       Heat wok on high.  When it’s hot enough, put in oil, then toss in chopped garlic and onion until fragrant and starts to turn golden brown.  Add the beef and prawns.  Stir and cook until the color starts to change and prawns turn pink, then add meatballs.
4.       Push these ingredients to the edge of the wok.  Add a little bit of oil if needed, then pour the beaten eggs.  Quickly scramble the eggs and break off any lump until eggs is no longer runny.  Toss lightly so all ingredients are mixed well.
5.       Make a circular space in the middle of the wok by pushing all the ingredients to the edges of the wok.  Put in chili paste (if used).  Stir fry for about 1-2 minutes until fragrant, then add in flat rice noodles.  Pour in the seasoning mixture.  Mix everything, give it a good stir and cook for 3-5 minutes.
6.       Eventually, put in spring onions /Chinese chives /scallion and chaisim (if using).  Bring all ingredients in the wok together and mix well.  Lastly, add the bean sprouts, give it a good stir to make sure that all ingredients get mixed evenly.  Serve hot.

Bahasa Indonesia
·         500 g kwetiau basah atau kering
·         200 g udang, kupas kulitnya dan bersihkan
·         200 g daging sapi, iris tipis
·         5 butir bakso sapi, iris tipis
·         2-3 telur, kocok lepas
·         100 g taoge, bersihkan bagian ekornya
·         3-4 ikat daun bawang, iris memanjang 5 cm
·         25 g caisim, iris memanjang 5 cm
·         3-4 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
·         1 buah bawang bombay kecil, cincang kasar
·         3-4sdm minyak sayur
·         1-2 sdm sambal colek

·         4 sdm kecap manis
·         2 sdm kecap asin
·         3 sdm saus tiram
·         2 sdm minyak wijen
·         Merica secukupnya
·         Garam secukupnya
·         Gula pasir secukupnya
·         2 sdm air

1.       Campur semua bumbu, sisihkan.
2.       Jika menggunakan kwetiau basah, siram dengan air agar tidak lengket, lalu tiriskan.  Jika menggunakan kwetiau kering, rendam dalam air mendidih selama 10 menit, lalu tiriskan.
3.       Nyalakan kompor dengan api besar.  Panaskan minyak goreng dan tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.  Masukkan daging sapi, udang,  dan bakso.  Masak sampai daging sapi berubah warna dan udang berwarna pink. 
4.       Sisihkan semua bahan ke pinggiran wajan.  Tambahkan sedikit minyak jika perlu, lalu tuang telur kocok dan aduk cepat dengan gerakan melingkar sehingga membentuk telur orak-arik. Campur dengan bahan lainnya sampai bercampur.   
5.       Sekali lagi sisihkan semua bahan ke pingir wajan, masukkan sambal colek (jika menggunakan).  Tumis sekitar 1-2 menit sampai wangi, lalu masukkan kwetiau.  Tuang campuran bumbu.  Aduk semua bahan dan tumis selama 3-5 menit.
6.       Masukkan berturut-turut daun bawang dan chaisim.  Aduk.  Terakhir masukkan taoge dan aduk kembali.  Pastikan semua bahan lah tercampur rata. Sajikan segera selagi panas. 


  1. This is great article
    Thank you for the recipe
    I will try to cook

    1. Hello Bali Tour, thanks for visiting my blog. Have you cooked this kwetiau goreng?
