Monday, May 19, 2014

Chocolate Banana Bread

As in avocado, I’m no fan of eating banana on its own. But my family, especially my daughter, loves it.   I’m always looking for a good recipe for those ripe bananas and I found this banana bread recipe.

There are so many different variations of banana bread, but this is probably the best banana bread I’ve ever made to date.  Even people who don’t usually like banana (me for real example J) are happy with this one.  The original recipe uses walnut, but I add cocoa powder and chocolate chips in place of the nuts.

The addition of cocoa powder and chocolate chips adds a new flavor to this banana bread that is delicious.   You can still taste the banana, but you taste chocolate as well.  The chocolate is not too strong, so it does still taste like banana bread.  Plus the sour cream makes the bread.  It provides uniquely wonderful, slightly sour flavor to a sweet banana bread, and I think it’s a great combination.

This is really fantastic stuff, definitely a new family classic.  It isn’t overly sweet, which is a big plus, and it’s moist but still holds together quite well.  With a half recipe  (still in 7x3 inch loaf pan) I need 15 minutes more to bake, and it was….perfect.  Great for snacking or warmed up with a dab of vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Banana Bread (recipe adapted from Esther Nelson on allrecipes)
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE 

·         ½ cup butter
·         1 ½ cups white sugar
·         2 eggs
·         3 very ripe bananas, mashed
·         1 cup sour cream
·         1 tsp vanilla extract
·         1 tsp ground cinnamon
·         3 tsp baking soda
·         2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
·         2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
·         1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1.       Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).  Grease two 7x3 inch loaf pans.

2.       In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar.  Mix in eggs, mashed bananas, sour cream, vanilla, and cinnamon.
3.       Mix in salt, baking soda, cocoa powder, and flour.  Stir in chocolate chips.  Divide into prepared pans.

4.       Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes), until a toothpick inserted in a center comes out clean.

Resep Bahasa Indonesia
·         ½ cup mentega tawar
·         1 ½ cups gula pasir
·         2 butir telur
·         3 buah pisang masak, haluskan
·         1 cup sour cream
·         1 tsp ekstrak vanila
·         1 tsp kayumanis bubuk
·         3 tsp baking soda
·         2 ¼ cups tepung terigu serbaguna
·         2 tbsp coklat bubuk tawar
·         1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 300 derajat F (150 derajat C).  Olesi  dua  loyang loaf ukuran 7x3 inch dengan minyak/mentega.
2.       Dalam wadah, kocok mentega dan gula sampai halus.  Masukkan telur satu per satu, kocok sampai mengembang.  Masukkan pisang yang telah dihaluskan, sour cream, vanilla, dan kayumanis bubuk.  Kocok sampai bercampur rata. 
3.       Masukkan garam, baking soda, coklat bubuk, dan tepung.  Kocok sampai bercampur.  Tambahkan chocolate chips, aduk rata. Tuang ke dalam dua buah loyang loaf yang telah disiapkan.
4.       Panggang selama 1 jam 15 menit, lakukan tes tusuk. 

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