Sunday, September 21, 2014

Easiest Garlic Bread

I love homemade garlic bread. Somehow, garlic bread seems to be the perfect side dish for so many recipes.  It goes great with pastas, soups, even salads.  It goes with everything.  Yes, garlic bread makes the meals so much better.

I love garlic bread from the bakery, but nothing beats homemade.  So buttery and delicious.  Everything tastes better when you put love into it.  I also think the simplest recipe you make at home are the absolute best and you don’t get any simpler than making garlic bread. 

Easiest Garlic Bread
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

·         1 fresh roll of French, baguette, or Italian bread (whichever you prefer)
·         1 stick salted butter at room temperature
·         4 teaspoons finely minced garlic
·         1 teaspoon garlic powder
·         2 teaspoons chopped parsley
·         ½ teaspoon olive oil
·         2 teaspoon Parmesan cheese (optional)

1.       Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

2.       Cut bread rolls in 1-inch thick slices.

3.       In a medium size bowl, whisk together butter, minced garlic, garlic powder, parsley, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese until well combined.

4.       Literally spread garlic butter mixture on each slice.

5.       Bake for 10-14 minutes or until bread is crisp and top is golden brown. Serve immediately.
·         1 roll roti Perancis, baguette, atau roti Italia (mana suka)
·         1 stick (8 sdm)  mentega, suhu ruang
·         4 sdt bawang putih, cincang halus
·         1 sdt bubuk bawang putih
·         2 sdt daun parsley, iris halus
·         ½ sdt minyak zaitun
·         2 sdt keju Parmesan (optional)

1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 400 derajat F (200 derajat C).
2.       Iris roti dengan tebal sekita 1-inch.
3.       Dalam mangkuk kecil, aduk rata mentega, bawang putih cincang, bubuk bawang putih, daun parsley, minyak zaitun, dan keju Parmesan.
4.       Olesi setiap roti pada salah satu permukaannya dengan dengan adonan mentega.
5.       Panggang selama 10-14 menit atau sampai permukaan roti berwarna coklat keemasan.  Sajikan segera.  

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