Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownies

I love chocolate. A lot. Especially when it comes in brownie form.  In fact, my love of all things chocolate and brownie has grown as I’ve gotten older. Yep, I can NEVER say NO to a brownie.  I love them any way, any time, any how!

I have made quite a lot brownies in the past few years and have posted many of them here.  Any brownie that is described as chewy and fudgy is a must in my dictionary.  Who doesn’t love a good brownie? They are excellent not only for the obvious reason, but also because they are so quick and easy to whip up.

I was craving brownies last night, something ooey, gooey, and deliciously sinful.  This triple chocolate fudge brownies is more than delivered.  So,  here’s the triple chocolates breakdown (well, technically four, but who’s counting).  First of all, there’s cocoa powder.  The other three chocolate components come in the form of chocolate chips (or chunks), namely semisweet, milk, and white chocolate.

This recipe is amazingly easy, blazingly quick, and the brownies are unequivocally chocolatey.  They are fudgy yet light, sweet, but not too.  And like most good things in life, only need an iced cold glass of milk or a scoop of velvety smooth vanilla ice cream to help wash them up.

This rich and chocolatey  brownies can also be served warm with cream and ice cream at room temperature, or straight from the fridge.  When serve warm, the chocolate chips/chunks are soft and melted.  When serve straight from the fridge, the chunks are firm and their texture provides a contrast to the soft, fudgy brownies.  A chocolate and brownie lovers’ dream!

Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownies
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE


·         10 tbsp unsalted butter
·         1 ¼ cups sugar
·         ¾ cup plus 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
·         ¼ tsp salt
·         ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
·         2 cold large eggs
·         ½ cup all-purpose flour
·         ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips or chunks
·         ½ cup milk chocolate chips or chunks
·         ½ cup white chocolate chips or chunks

1.       Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).  Line a 8x8inch baking pan with parchment or aluminum foil with an overhang on opposite sides so you can lift out the brownies from the pan.

2.       Combine the butter, sugar, cocoa, and salt in a heat proof bowl and place it over a small sauce pot with simmering water, to create a double boiler (or you can use a microwave).  Stir until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove the bowl from heat and allow to cool just a little bit.
3.       Add the vanilla and stir with a wooden spoon.  Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring vigorously after each one.  When the batter looks thick, shiny, and well blended, add the flour and stir until you can no longer see it, then beat it vigorously for 40 strokes with wooden spoon.
4.       Add chocolate chips and stir.  Spread evenly in baking pan.
5.       Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out slightly moist with batter.

6.       Let cool completely on a wire rack to cool to room temperature.  For best result, refrigerate brownies a few hours or overnight before serving.


·         10 sdm mentega tawar
·         1 ¼ cups gula pasir
·         ¾ cup plus 2 sdm coklat bubuk
·         ¼ sdt garam
·         ½ sdt ekstrak vanila
·         2 butir telur ukuran besar, dinginkan
·         ½ cup tepung terigu serbaguna
·         ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips
·         ½ cup milk chocolate chips
·         ½ cup white chocolate chips


1.       Panaskan oven dengan suhu 325 derajat F (160 derajat C).  Siapkan loyang ukuran 9x9-inch  yang telah dialasi kertas roti atau aluminum foil. Olesi dengan minyak, sisihkan.
2.       Masukkan mentega, gula, bubuk coklat, dan garam ke dalam mangkuk.  Panaskan dengan menggunakan microwave dengan selang waktu 1 menit.  Aduk sesekali sampai mentega meleleh dan licin. Atau bisa juga dengan cara memanaskan di atas kompor dengan api kecil. Biarkan hangat.
3.       Tambahkan vanilla dan aduk menggunakan sendok kayu atau spatula.  Tambahkan telur satu per satu, aduk dengan kuat.  Ketika adonan mulai kental, mengilap dan bercampur rata, masukkan terigu dan aduk sampai betul-betul bercampur.  Aduk sekitar 40 kali adukan dengan spatula.  Adonan akan menjadi kental.
4.       Tambahkan semua chocolate chips, aduk sebentar. Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan.
5.       Panggang selama 20-25 menit dan lalukan tes tusuk. Catatan: Beberapa orang memerlukan waktu memanggang 10-15 menit lebih lama, jadi perhatikan tingkat kematangan brownies Anda dan gunakan tes tusuk sebagai penunjuk.
6.       Dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang.  Untuk hasil terbaik, dinginkan brownies selama beberapa jam atau semalam sebelum disajikan.  Potong sesuai selera dan sajikan.  


  1. Salam kenal mbak Dana. Saya baru aja coba resep ini. Tapi knp teksturnya lengket2 gitu ya mbak, jadi mirip2 dodol XD
    Diluar nya garing tapi dalam nya lengket, terus kertas rotinya jg lengket, padahal sdh dioles minyak. Saya bake nya sdh sampai 40 menitan padahal. Kira2 salahnya dmn ya mbak? Mohon pencerahannya, terimakasih :)

    1. Lah kan brownies... bukan bolu amanda...
