Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Spicy Baked Potato Wedges

Potatoes make an excellent side dish to almost any entrée and are extremely versatile because they have a very neutral flavor.  With just a splash of oil and a pinch of salt and pepper, some spices, you can turn the humble potato into delicious homemade wedges.  They’re perfect with anything from burgers to your favorite grilled chicken and turkey.  Give them a try, and you won’t buy the frozen ones again.

Baked potato wedges are a hot favorite for indulging in potato cravings. It is an easy way to make a healthier alternative to  deep-fried french fries. It’s amazingly quick and easy to make, yet delicious and filling as a snack or as a side dish. You can play around with the seasonings.  Yes, seasonings can be adjusted to your own taste preferences or on whatever seasonings are available in your kitchen.

I’ve posted a recipe of baked potato wedges before which I used as a base for Ranch potato wedges. The baked wedges were tossed in Parmesan and parsley and tasted so delish.  This time I wanted to make my wedges a little more spicier, so I seasoned them with cayenne, paprika, and pepper.  This is another recipe that is perfect  to serve with grilled meat or burgers.   Once tried, they become addictive and you’ll find yourself making them over and over again.

These potatoes were really good.  In my search for the perfect wedges—crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside—I have found that they do need to be parboiled first.  I cooked them in microwave about 6-8 minutes before seasoning them, then put into oven for 30-40 minutes to complete the cooking and crisp up the outer edges. This has really cut down the bake time, which I liked.

Spicy Baked Potato Wedges
For recipe in Indonesian click HERE

·         2 ½ pounds (1.13 kg) potatoes (or 3 pounds for less spicy potatoes)
·         2 tablespoon olive oil
·         1 teaspoon garlic powder
·         2 teaspoons dried parsley
·         ½ teaspoon cayenne
·         ½ teaspoon paprika
·         ½ teaspoon pepper
·         ¾-1 teaspoon salt


1.       Wash and cut potatoes into even wedges by cutting lengthwise in half, then slice each half into 3-4 slices.
2.       Place potatoes in a glass dish. Microwave for 6-8 minute on high, or until the wedges are just tender on the outside (alternatively, cook them in rapidly boiling water for 6-7 minutes).  Allow to stand for a minute.

3.       In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the last seven ingredients.  Add the potatoes. Seal bag and toss to coat.  Arrange in a single layer on grease baking sheets.

4.       Bake at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) for 30-40 minutes or until potatoes are tender and golden brown, turning once.  The baking time will vary depending on how big your wedges are.  If you want them crispier, just bake them for a few minutes longer.
·         2 ½ pounds (1.13 kg) kentang (atau 1.3 kg untuk kentang yang tidak begitu pedas)
·         2 sdm minyak zaitun
·         1 sdt bubuk bawang putih
·         2 sdt daun parsley kering
·         ½ sdt bubuk cabe
·         ½ sdt paprika
·         ½ sdt merica
·         ¾-1 sdt garam


1.       Cuci kentang dan belah dua memanjang, lalu masing-masing belahan potong menjadi 3-4 bagian sama besar.
2.       Letakkan kentang dalam wadah tahan panas.  Panaskan dengan microwave selama 6-8 menit pada posisi HIGH atau sampai bagian luar kentang lunak (bisa juga dengan merebusnya dalam air mendidih selama 5-7 menit).  Biarkan dingin selama 1 menit.
3.       Masukkan 7 bahan terakhir ke dalam ziplock bag atau kantung plastik besar.  Masukkan potongan kentang dan kocok sampai bumbu bercampur dan melapisi semua kentang. Susun potongan kentang di atas loyang yang telah dilapisi kertas roti.  Beri jarak.
4.   Panggang dengan suhu 450 derajat F (230 derajat C) selama 30-40 menit atau sampai berwarna coklat keemasan, balik posisi kentang sekali.  Lamanya waktu memanggang tergantung pada besarnya potongan kentang.  Jika ingin hasil yang lebih krispi, panggang beberapa menit  lebih lama.

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